Preview part 2: April 24, 2016

Apr 24, 2016   •     •   Mark 13:14-23

Due to a technical error, we do not have the recorded sermon for this week. The sermon notes are below.

SUMMARY: Jesus seems to be making a “near-term” prophecy about the events and tribulations surrounding the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, though his words may also apply to multiple future points.

A. BIG IDEA: When cataclysm comes, we must be tuned for action.
“One cannot be prepared for something while secretly believing it will not happen.” -Nelson Mandela

B. The Temple Destruction (vv. 14-20)

  1. Worship Shifts
    Action: Take ownership for worship.
  2. “Normalcy” shifts
    Action: Be lean and ready, not focused on safety or comfort.

C. Deceptions Arise (vv. 21-23)

  1. Name-Droppers
  2. False Miracle-Workers
    Action: Take discipleship training VERY seriously.