Announcements – January 12, 2025
CCC Sunday Worship Services are held in-person and on Zoom. Online participants should sign-in with a simple and recognizable name. Come join us online or in person!
Worship Services, January 12, 2025
Lunch is prepared by Mingguang Zhang. Please be on the lunch line by 12:30 pm. First-time visitors are invited to be our guests.
Take Note!
Next Sunday (January 19, 2025) Worship Services
Cantonese Congregation Meeting will be held on January 12, 2025 for congregational input on spiritual and pastoral needs as the Official Board begins the Search process for a new pastor before Pastor Charles retires in 2026. Please meet at 12:15 pm in Room 303. Lunch will be brought up to the meeting.
Winter Youth Retreat: 6th-12th graders at CCCDC will be held from January 31 – February 2nd, 2025 at Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, MD. Please contact Pastor Josh if you have questions.
Church Activity Closures or Delays due to inclement weather or emergencies will be announced on the church website, on the email listserv, or on WTOP news Please make decisions for travel based on what is safest for your area. Office closures will usually follow federal government advice.
Shoes for the Homeless Drive has been extended through January 26. Please bring new or gently used shoes to provide protection, dignity and improved quality of life for homeless individuals whose shoes may be held together by duct tape or missing altogether. See flyer and the collection box at the church entrance.
Please Keep Our Church Neat! Many items have been found throughout the church that are not needed for ministry – water bottles, clothing, bags of stuff, toys, books, etc. We will be placing these items in a Lost and Found box in Room 101 of the Fellowship Hall. After two weeks the items will be discarded. This also applies to food in the refrigerator – please mark items with name and date or they will be tossed!
Wi-Fi Password has been changed and is limited to those who need it for church ministries per Trustees so that we can keep the worship services running smoothly. Those who need the wi-fi to operate their church program should request the new password from with name and ministry use. You are asked not to share the password, and when not needed for a ministry program, please disconnect.
Pre-Dated Offering Boxes for 2025 are available for distribution. Please contact Helen Wong, Rita Wong or if you would like a box.
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the official workplace-giving campaign for the federal community ends on January 15, 2025. You may support our church’s Chinatown Service Center through this process using code #34868 to designate. Non-federal workers may still support the Service Center any time with a donation made to Chinatown Service Center through the church.
PMI Parking Changes through January 25 Although usually free on the weekends for our CCC events, this month much of the lot has been rented so parking is limited. If there is no space at the 900 New York Avenue lot, you may use the garage at 600 Mass Ave. Check with security for instructions when you get to the church on how to exit the garage.
Need Prayer? Send your request through the homepage of the church website. or join a Prayer Meeting. Request Zoom link from
Offerings and Donations are being received during worship services. Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. Give according to what you have, not what you don’t have. 2 Corinthians 8:12 NLT. You may also send checks in the mail, add CCC to your Bill Pay service from your bank, or send offering through Zelle ( or PayPal from website link. Checks are payable to Chinese Community Church, 500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001. If giving through PayPal, avoid fees by designating Friends and Family from your account, not a credit card or using the PayPal Giving Fund. Offering collection boxes are also stationed in church worship spaces. In addition to operating budget, you may designate donations to missions, Good Samaritan Fund, Chinatown Service Center, Building Fund.
Sunday School Classes
Children Kindergarten through 5th graders, 9:30 am; Children’s Church, in-person only, 11:15.
Middle and High School, Room 300, in-person only, 9:30 am
College and Young Adults, Room 303, in-person only, 9:30 am
Community News
For more information, call Michelle Yi at the Chinatown Service Center, 202-898-0061 on weekdays or check the website
Next Legal Clinic, sponsored by Chinatown Service Center and Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center, will be February 6, 2025. Translators are provided. You must reserve a spot with the Chinatown Service Center, 202-898-0061 in order to attend. Meeting details will be provided when you call.
Community Services Classes on Zoom: English as a Second Language Class, Tuesdays @ 6 pm; Citizenship Classes, Saturday mornings on zoom. Contact Chinatown Service Center for changes to schedule or to register and obtain the meeting link: 202-898-0061.
How to contact CCC:
Pastors are available by phone, email and text or in-person with an appointment. Please reach out if you or a loved one needs pastoral care or other assistance. Pastor Charles – 202-271-8422 or Pastor Joshua – 847-293-7585. Pastor Joanna – 202-684-0032.
The church office and Chinatown Service Center regular office hours are, Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm. All visitors must call the respective office to make an appointment before coming in and be informed of safety protocols when entering the church building. Church office number is 202-637-9852 and Chinatown Service Center number is 202-898-0061.
Online Meetings:
[E] English, [C] Cantonese, [m] Mandarin
In-Person Meetings:
CCC on the Web!
粵語堂會議通知 将于 2025 年 1 月 12 日举行,收集和听取会众对屬靈和牧养需求的意见,因为教會理事會将在 2026 年辜牧师卸任之前展開新牧師的甄選過程。请于下午 12:15 在 303 室开会。午餐将在会议上提供。
冬季青少年退修會 CCCDC的6至12年級學生將於2025年1月31日至2月2日在馬里蘭州Middletown的Skycroft會議中心舉行冬季青年退修會。如有疑問,請聯繫曺牧師。
教會活動因惡劣天氣或緊急情況關閉或延遲 相關通知將發布於教會網站、電子郵件列表,或WTOP新聞網站:。請根據您所在地區的安全情況決定是否出行。教會辦公室的關閉通常會遵循聯邦政府的建議。
為無家可歸者提供鞋子捐贈活動 此活動已延長至2025年1月26日。請捐贈全新或輕微使用過的鞋子,為無家可歸者提供保護、尊嚴和更好的生活品質。他們的鞋子可能已經破損不堪甚至缺失。詳情請參閱教堂入口處的宣傳單和收集箱。
保持教會整潔 教會內發現許多與事工無關的物品——如水瓶、衣物、袋子、玩具、書籍等。我們將把這些物品放在團契廳101室的「失物招領箱」內。若兩週後未被領取,這些物品將被丟棄。此外,冰箱中的食物請標註姓名和日期,否則將被清理丟棄。
Wi-Fi密碼更改通知 根據執事會的決定,Wi-Fi密碼已更改,僅限用於教會事工所需的人士,以確保崇拜順利進行。如需要使用Wi-Fi來操作教會事工,請通過 發送電子郵件申請新的密碼,並提供姓名和事工用途。請不要分享密碼,並在不需要時斷開連接。
2025年奉獻信封 預印的奉獻信封現已可領取。如需一盒,請聯繫Helen Wong、Rita Wong,或發送郵件至。
聯邦慈善聯合募款 (CFC) 聯邦機構的官方工作場所捐款活動將於2025年1月15日結束。您可使用代碼**#34868**指定捐款支持我們教會的華埠服務中心。非聯邦機構的工作人員也可以隨時通過教會向中國城華埠服務中心捐款。
PMI 停車變更通知 雖然通常我們CCC活動期間的周末停車是免費的,但本月至1月25日,該停車場大部分空間已被出租,停車位有限。如果900 New York Avenue的停車場已滿,您可以使用600 Mass Ave的停車場。到達教會時,請向保安確認如何從停車場出來的指引。
奉獻與捐贈 哥林多後書8章12節說:“因為人若有願做的心,必蒙悅納,乃是照他所有的,並不是照他所無的。”您的奉獻與捐贈可以通過郵寄支票或銀行轉賬,以及用Zelle ( 或 PayPal的方式支持教會目前的開支。奉獻支票擡頭是:Chinese Community Church,地址是500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001;如用PayPal的方式,為免服務費請指定您賬内的親友而不是信用卡;或通過PayPal捐贈基金捐獻。
教堂多處都設置了奉獻箱。可指定奉献用於運作預算,或可指定奉獻用於支持宣教、Good Samaritan Fund、華埠服務中心或教會大樓基金。
如想瞭解更多社區消息:請在周一到周五之間、撥打服務中心電話202-898-0061聯絡Michelle Yi易田園或查詢服務中心網站: