Prayers – November 10, 2024
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
Thank you, Lord….
● for the promise of your presence, that You are always with us especially when our way is rough.
● for veterans who have willingly served in harm’s way for our freedom and for the military men and women who serve today especially in hostile environments
● for the comfort you provide through your church, through people and through things.
● for your mercy as You try to make us better, that You care enough to instruct us.
● for the vivid colors of autumn that brighten our day
Have your way in us, Lord, even as we fight to control each aspect of our lives, guide us to be more like Jesus….
● You have saved us from death, prevented our feet from stumbling and our eyes from tears, and still we are anxious.“What can I offer the Lord, for all he has done for me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and praise the Lord’s name for saving me. I will keep my promises to the Lord in the presence of all his people.” Psalm 116:12-14
● Guide us to “Make allowance for each other’s faults and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Colossians 3:13
● Help us to seek You with all our whole heart so that we learn how to act in God-honoring ways, for none of us is born with wisdom. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
● Help us to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we may overcome our sinful nature leading us to do evil….and the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. Galatians 5:17
We pray for brothers and sisters not only at CCC but also outside our walls, asking that God’s good and perfect will be accomplished even though we might not understand the process or outcome….
● to provide our veterans with peace beyond the peace they fought to secure, peace in their own hearts, wrapped in the joy of a life touched by your strong hand.
● for courage for our missionaries to face the perils that often confront them; grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be
● for our children who face so many worldly distractions, may we act with praise and prayer lifted to God believing He will work in their lives
● for health and wellness for those who are struggling with physical, mental, or spiritual health issues
● for the children to whom our Christmas shoebox gifts will be given, may the seed of salvation and hope in Jesus Christ fall on receptive hearts
For more prayer items for our world, our country, our community, our church, our family, and ourselves, please see our monthly prayer calendar on the website.
“又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給祢。” 詩篇37:4
感謝主 …
● 主的同在應許,特別是當我們的道路崎嶇時,祢總與我們同在,。
● 那些曾經為我們的自由而甘心冒險的退伍軍人,感謝今天依然在敵對環境中服役的軍人和軍官。
● 主祢透過教會、透過人們和事物所賜的安慰。
● 主的憐憫,祢試圖讓我們變得更好,祢關心我們,願意教導我們。
● 秋天鮮豔的色彩,照亮了我們的日子。
主啊,儘管我們努力操縱生活的各個層面,求主幫助我們按祢的方式行事, 讓我們變得更像耶穌…
● 主祢拯救了我們脫離死亡,避免我們的腳跌倒,眼中無淚,然而我們依然會焦慮。“ 我拿甚麼報答耶和華向我所賜的一切厚恩?我要舉起救恩的杯,稱揚耶和華的名!我要在他眾民面前向耶和華還我的願。 ”— 詩篇 116:12-14
● 求主引導我們,“倘若這人與那人有嫌隙,總要彼此包容,彼此饒恕;主怎樣饒恕了你們,你們也要怎樣饒恕人。”— 歌羅西書 3:13
● 求主幫助我們全心尋求祢,使我們學會以榮耀神的方式行事,因為我們每個人都不是天生擁有智慧的。“你們尋求我,若專心尋求我,就必尋見。”— 耶利米書 29:13
● 求主幫助我們遵循聖靈的引導,使我們能克服自己罪惡的本性,並領我們遠離邪惡……“因為情慾和聖靈相爭,聖靈和情慾相爭,這兩個是彼此相敵,使你們不能做所願意做的。 ”— 加拉太書 5:17
● 求主賜予我們的退伍軍人,超越他們為保衛和平而奮戰的內心平安。賜給他們一顆安慰的心,讓他們被主堅強的手握緊,在生活中充滿喜樂。
● 求主賜予我們的宣教士勇氣去面對危險;無論他們身處何方,都求祢賜下祢的同在。
● 為我們的孩子禱告,他們面對這個世界的各樣誘惑,願我們在讚美和禱告中行事,深信神會在他們的生命中作工。
● 為那些在身體、心理或靈性上遭遇困難的弟兄姊妹祈求健康與康復。
● 為聖誕鞋盒禮物所贈送的孩子們禱告,願耶穌基督拯救和盼望的種子落在他們願意接納的心田中。