Prayers: June 12, 2022
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Thank you, God:
- for being our Comforter
- for the abundant life You want to give us. John 10:10
- for the symphony of bird songs which are new every morning
- for flowers popping up everywhere filling our day with color
- for His supernatural power allowing us to live beyond our natural capacity. Philippians 2:13
- for those who are ill or frail
- for those who are homebound or hospitalized or recovering from treatment
- that we not allow love for anything in the world be greater than our love for God
- that the broken-hearted who have lost loved ones from shootings and war may find peace in their heart
- that we may be firm in our faith, courageous and strong as we serve others in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
- for God’s Spirit to empower us to be self-controlled, kind, and faithful. Galatians 5:22–23
- that we may use whatever resources available to us to be rich in good works
- that God will bless our church summer plans for outreach, fellowship, and learning
- for our children may enjoy summer break feeling carefree, protected and safe
- that we may offer kindness wherever we can
- that we may be patient and wait for the Lord to answer our prayers
- when we face an overwhelming task, we seek the strength and wisdom to break it down and tackle it day by day
- that we may seeks opportunities to worship God throughout our day
- for a loved one in our life who needs to know Jesus
- for our church to continue to find ways to share the Gospel with our neighbors
- that God will provide peace, comfort, and reconciliation for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Be with those who are anxious, fearful and bereaved. We continue to cry out for an end to this conflict trusting in God’s mercy and compassion.
To Think About:
The effects of COVID and storms and war have given us a plethora of trials to bear. And now more unthinkable tragedy strikes with the recent mass shootings. Christians can trust the Bible to provide words of encouragement and hope and guide us to think beyond our present situation. Proverbs 16: 20-24 gives some practical guidance on how we can encourage others: Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord. The wise in heart are called discerning, and gracious words promote instruction….The hearts of the wise make their mouths prudent, and their lips promote instruction. Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Who do you know who could benefit from gracious words that provide instruction, joy, and healing?
“要常常喜樂, 不住的禱告, 凡事謝恩。因為這是 神在基督耶穌裏向你們所定的旨意。”
帖撒羅尼迦前書 五章 十六至十八節
- 安慰我們。
- 應許我們有豐盛的生命。(約翰福音 10:10)
- 每天早晨雀鳥爭鳴的歡快鳴唱。
- 隨處可見的鮮花為我們的每一天增添了色彩。
- 讓聖靈在我們心裡運行,透過平凡人成就他的美意。(腓立比書 2:13)
- 生病的肢體和居家行動不便的弟兄姊妹滿有神的同在。
- 我們不要愛世界上任何事物超過愛神。
- 因槍擊和戰爭失去親人而心碎的人可以找到心靈的平安。
- 我們務要警醒,在真道上站立得穩,要剛強壯膽,要以誠實和愛心彼此服侍。(哥林多前書 16:13-14)
- 聖靈幫助我們能夠持有信實、 溫柔、節制的品格。(加拉太書 5:22-23)
- 我們可以使用任何可用的資源來竭力行善。
- 神祝福我們教會的暑期外展、團契和學習計劃。
- 讓我們的孩子在暑假中享受無憂無慮,有受保護和安全的感覺。
- 神幫助我們在任何地方都能以溫柔良善待人。
- 我們耐心等候主回應我們的禱告。
- 我們面對艱鉅的任務時,會尋求從神而來的力量和智慧,化解和應對挑戰,使問題逐步解決。
- 我們可以在每天的生活中尋找機會敬拜神。
- 我們的親人願意認識耶穌。
- 我們教會持續有機會與我們的鄰居分享福音。
- 神為我們在烏克蘭的兄弟姐妹提供和平、安慰與和解;願神與那些焦慮、恐懼和失去親人的同在。讓我們迫切地禱告呼求神以憐憫和同情結束這場衝突。
新冠病毒、暴風和戰爭的影響給我們帶來了太多的考驗。而最近發生的大規模槍擊事件帶來了更多難以想像的悲劇。基督徒相信聖經中鼓勵和盼望的話語會引導我們的思維超越當前的狀況。箴言16章20-24節中說:“謹守訓言的必得好處,倚靠耶和華的便為有福。心中有智慧必稱為通達人,嘴中的甜言加增人的學問。人有智慧就有生命的泉源,愚昧人必被愚昧懲治。智慧人的心教訓他的口,又使他的嘴增長學問。良言如同蜂房,使心覺甘甜,使骨得醫治。” 你認識誰能從這些指導、喜樂和醫治的親切話語中受益嗎?