Prayers: April 11, 2021
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, that You make all things new.
- Thank you, Lord, for your plan to allow me to overcome the law of sin and death through Jesus.
- Thank you, Lord, for each flowering bud I see that reminds me of hope and life.
- Thank you, Lord, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the your love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39
- Thank you, Lord, that every morning You give me another chance to receive your mercies.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- For those experiencing trials, that God will show compassion and love in His time. Lamentations 3
- That those with ongoing health concerns will be strengthened as they spend time sitting with our Father
- For shut-ins to focus on what they can do, rather than what they can’t do
- That those who are frustrated learn to skip the blocked highways that don’t lead to God’s presence. Instead, pray that they trust Jesus as Savior, for “whoever believes in the Son has eternal life” John 3:36
- That we are able to use our gifts to help others
- For those suffering with COVID-19 and for those working tirelessly to care for them
- For those picking up pieces from the storms of life will find resources to help them on their way
- For discernment in our leaders to make the right decisions amidst the crises in the world
- For the children in the world who are suffering
Pray for CCC:
- That we may turn from all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice; that we be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” Ephesians 4:31-32 Turning from conflict whenever we are able helps honor God and build his church.
- That our missionaries may persevere in their plan to serve God in difficult places
- For efforts to bring some normalcy back into the life of the church
- That we strive to help more names to be written in the Book of Life
- That we follow God’s command to bear more fruit and love one another. John 15:16-17
- That we not neglect leading our children to a saving faith
- For our pastors and church leaders not to grow weary, but draw on the strength of the Lord
To Think About: Easter Sunday has passed but the resurrection of Jesus provides us hope every day on which to build our faith. They told him, “Sir, we remember what that deceiver once said while he was still alive: ‘After three days I will rise from the dead.’ ….He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying. Matthew 27:63; 28:6 NLT To be able to rise from the dead proves that Jesus is God.
- 感謝主使萬物煥然一新。
- 感謝神的計劃允許我接著耶穌勝過罪與死的律。
- 謝謝主讓我看到開放的花朵,就心生盼望和永生。
- 感謝神!無論“是高處的,是低處的,是別的受造之物,都不能叫我們與神的愛隔絕;這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裡的。(羅馬書 8:39)”
- 感謝主在每天的早晨你都再給我機會接受您的慈愛和憐憫。
- 禱告我們要有基督的心,相信神能夠,并且將要在我們的生命中動工,成就一切關乎我們的美善。
- 願我們將白白得來的恩典和罪的赦免分享給其他人。
- 為忍受患難和試煉的人禱告,願他們知道神照著他自己的心意施行憐憫和慈愛。(耶利米哀歌第三章)
- 為身體有病痛的肢體禱告,願他們花些時間與神獨坐,經歷神使他們體力得强壯。
- 為居家不能外出的肢體禱告,求神保守他們專心於力所能及的事務,不要執著能力之外的事情。
- 為沒有信心、沮喪的人禱告,不是禱告讓他們學會越過阻礙而達不到神面前的路,而是要為他們有信心去信靠主耶穌為救主,因爲“信子的人有永生(約翰福音 3:36),”
- 求主幫助我們使用自己的恩賜幫助別人。
- 為罹患新冠病毒的人禱告;為孜孜不倦看顧病人的各業人員禱告。
- 為那些從人生風暴中整裝待發的人禱告,願他們能找到幫助他們繼續前進的動力與資源。
- 為我們的領袖們有甄別的能力禱告,讓他們在全球性的危機中做出正確的決定。
- 為全世界在苦難中的孩子們禱告。
- 禱告我們能順服以弗所書4:31-32中神的話語:“一切苦毒、惱恨、憤怒、嚷鬧、毀謗,並一切的惡毒,都當從你們中間除掉;並要以恩慈相待,存憐憫的心,彼此饒恕,正如神在基督裡饒恕了你們一樣。” 讓我們轉離隨時可能有的紛爭,使神的名得榮耀,建立教會。
- 為我們的宣教士在艱苦地區的複印事工禱告,求主幫助他們在服侍神的計劃中恆久堅持。
- 求主幫助我們努力將教會生活帶領回復正常。
- 讓我們竭力幫助更多的人可以將名字寫在“生命冊”上。
- 願我們跟隨神的大使命去結果更多、彼此相愛。(約翰福音15:16-17)
- 求主保守我們不要忽略帶領我們的孩子前來領受有救恩的信仰。
- 求主保守我們的牧者和教會領袖滿有屬天的能力,行走不疲倦。
思考:復活節雖過去,但復活的耶穌為我們信心的建立提供了每日的盼望。 “大人,我們記得那誘惑人的還活著的時候曾說:‘三日後我要復活。’… …他不在這裡,照他所說的,已經復活了。你們來看安放主的地方!(馬太福音27:63; 28:6) 能從死裡復活證明耶穌是神。