Prayers: December 20, 2020
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, that even when we were your enemy, You loved us into Your kingdom by sending us Jesus.
- Thank you, Lord, for the beauty of the winter snow.
- Thank you, Lord, for drawing me near and speaking to me through Your life-giving Word and through prayer.
- Thank you, Lord, that when we experience a dark day, we are not alone and that it is temporary.
- Thank you, Lord, that when I forgive others, You forgive me. Matthew 6:14
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those with ongoing health concerns. Thank God for being present with these loved ones.
- Those in nursing or homebound care. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring them peace and joy.
- Those affected by the pandemic either as victims or caregivers. Pray that we continue to be diligent in following guidelines to be safe. Thank God for all those who work to keep us safe.
- Those who are struggling with daily living needs, their faith, their job, their relationships.
- Our missionaries who bring Good News to others despite hardships they experience along the way
- That we may be an example of trusting God, for His love for us does not change even though our circumstances might. Pray that our actions may demonstrate eternal hope for those who do not know Jesus. Psalm 62:8
- That we may be a blessing to others in attitude and action
Pray for CCC:
- That our Christmas worship, although in a different setting, will be an opportunity for us to know Jesus, our Savior, in a new way
- Pray for the new 2021 leaders who take on their new assignments; that the Holy Spirit will guide them to work well together to accomplish CCC’s ministry tasks.
- Pray for those who have received gifts of encouragement from the church this year – may they be led to seek the greatest gift of Jesus!
- That whatever is planned is based on the great commandments of loving God and loving our neighbor
- That God will use us ordinary people for great works because we have great faith in Him which gives us access to His power.
- That we may think outside the box, but always move with Jesus as the Head.
- For our ministry teams to persevere as they care for and lead their congregations
To Think About: We have entered into the church season of Advent when we prepare for the coming of Jesus anew in our hearts. On this fourth Sunday of Advent we reflect on Love – the steadfast love of God is faithful and brings light into our darkness, breathes life where there should be death. Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O Lord.How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:5-7
- 感謝神愛世人,甚至在我們與他為敵時,就差遣耶穌來到我們中間,引導我們歸向神的國度。
- 為冬日雪景感謝神。
- 感謝主,你用聖經和禱告將我牽拉靠近你、聽你的聲音。
- 感謝神陪我度過黑暗的日子,讓我不覺得孤單,知道黑暗的日子是暫時的。
- 馬太福音第6章14節:“你們饒恕人的過犯,你們的天父也必饒恕你們的過犯。”當我饒恕別人,神也饒恕我。感謝神的話語!
- 為身體軟弱和接受治療的肢體禱告,感謝神與我們至親的人同在。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,求聖靈賜給他們平安和喜樂。
- 為在新冠病毒受感染的患者和醫護人員禱告;讓我們繼續努力遵守安全指南,為保守我們安全的各界工作人員獻上感謝。
- 讓我們為在每日生活需要、信仰、工作和各樣人際關係而掙扎的人禱告。
- 求主保守我們的宣教士在福音事工中各樣難處中經歷神。
- 禱告我們可以成爲信靠神的例證,因爲神對我們的愛並不隨著環境變化。讓我們在不信耶穌的人面前,以行動見證我們永生的盼望。(詩篇62:8)
- 讓我們從態度到行爲都成爲他人的祝福。
- 求神保守我們的聖誕節崇拜在新的環境下,成爲我們以新的方式認識救主耶穌基督的一個機會。
- 願我們教會2021年的事工領袖和各項事工禱告,求聖靈引領他們合一同工,順利完成教會的所有事工。
- 為今年教會贈送的小禮物的接收者禱告,願聖靈引導到他們追尋從耶穌基督而來的最大的禮物。
- 願我們的各項事工的計劃都基於“愛神愛人”的最大的命令。
- 因著我們堅信神是我們能力的來源,使平凡的人也能成就不平凡的工作。
- 讓我們在每項行動中都以耶穌為頭,心意變換,嘗試新的方式。
- 為我們教會事工團隊有毅力帶領和關顧三堂會眾的需要。