Prayers: November 29, 2020
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, that although Thanksgiving celebration was different, blessings never ceased to flow.
- Thank you, Lord, for the reliability of your Presence and for eyes to recognize You.
- Thank you, Lord, for brothers and sisters to keep me focused and accountable. Colossians 3
- Thank you, Lord, for the sights and the sounds of Christmas that remind me You are coming.
- Thank you, Lord, for the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for us when we are at a loss for what to say. Romans 8:26
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those with ongoing health concerns. Pray for courage and patience in the healing process.
- Those in nursing or homebound care. Pray for their health and safety even as COVID spread continues all around them.
- Health workers, caregivers, and emergency personnel tending diligently and selflessly to the needs of COVID patients. Pray for their perseverance and everyone else’s cooperation to follow health safety guidelines.
- For loved ones not able to join together with their families in person
- For the children who will hear about Jesus through our Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts
- For those in our community who are struggling to obtain daily necessities
- Thank God for those who set examples of caring for others and encourage us to do the same
Pray for CCC:
- That we may work together in unity and peace to accomplish God’s mission for the church
- That we do not let the coronavirus, or any other matter, scare us or harden our hearts in anger. Rather, let His good pleasure mold our hearts to His—let it help us see the greatness of who God is. Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. – Hebrews 4:16 NLT
- That these difficult times humble us, bring us to action, and guide us to trust and rest in the treasure that God is. There is nothing on this earth—not money, relationship, freedom, food, entertainment, or exercise that can replace the pleasure that God provides for us in Himself. Let the pleasure of who He is, become our ultimate treasure during this uncertain and prolonged strange time.
- That our small groups will continue to be strengthened that they in turn can add to the power of CCC
- That we are mindful that the Good News of Jesus must be shared in word and deed
- For fruitful Christmas outreach efforts
To Think About: We have entered into the church season of Advent when we prepare for the coming of Jesus anew in our hearts. This first Sunday of Advent we reflect on Hope. We have certainly been through a dark year, but we are reminded that God sent Jesus to be our hope, His light in our darkness, a solid rock on whom we can count for our eternity. We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you. Psalm 33:20-22 NIV
- 雖然今年的感恩慶祝方式不同往年,但神的恩典卻不住地澆灌下來!
- 感謝主同在的真實和能認識你的雙眼。
- 感謝弟兄姊妹幫助我明確方向並行之有效。(歌羅西書第3章)
- 感謝主因著看見和聽見聖誕節而提醒我耶穌基督要來了。
- 感謝主在我們慌張失措時,有聖靈替我們無聲地禱告。(羅馬書8:26)
- 為身體軟弱和接受治療的肢體禱告,願他們有勇氣和耐心等候康復的過程。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,願他們在新冠病毒流行時保持健康和有平安。
- 感謝醫護和應急人員無私和辛勤的工作,感謝他們的耐心和愛心,也盼望我們都能配合他們的工作,嚴格遵守安全防護措施。
- 讓我們不能與家人團聚的親人禱告。
- 為接受聖誕禮物盒的孩子們有機會認識耶穌基督禱告。
- 為社區中缺乏每日生活必需品的居民禱告。
- 感謝主,有弟兄姊妹關顧他人成爲我們的榜樣,禱告我們因受鼓舞,也學會照顧別人的需要。
- 讓我們有主裏的合一和平安,一同完成神在我們教會的使命。
- 不要讓病毒或任何事情驚嚇我們,使我們在憤怒中成爲鐵石心腸;反之要讓神的喜樂將我們的心與神緊緊相連——從而幫助我們認識自有永有的神的偉大。所以我們只管坦然無懼地來到施恩的寶座前,為要得憐恤,蒙恩惠,做隨時的幫助。希伯來書4:16
- 求主讓我們在困難的時期學會在事工中謙卑順服神的引領,信靠和安靜在神同在的豐富中。在世上沒有任何事物——非金錢、關係、自由、食物、娛樂、或運動能代替神讓我們在他裏面而得的喜樂。讓從神而來的喜樂成爲我們在冗長動蕩中的至寶。
- 願小組團契持續成長,進而為整個教會帶來活力。
- 讓我們謹記:傳揚耶穌基督的福音需要言行一致、身體力行。
- 為聖誕節外展事工富有成果、多節果實禱告。