Prayers: August 23, 2020
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, for providing what I need often before I know of the need.
- Thank you, Lord, that even when I wander away from Your path, You will never lose me. Psalm 139:9-10
- Thank you, Lord, that I am not defined by circumstances or experiences, but that I am Your child, rich beyond measure.
- Thank you, Lord, that Your creation looked especially beautiful and majestic this week.
- Thank you, Lord, that you thought I was worth dying for.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those with ongoing health concerns, those who have had surgery surgery, those on a long road of treatment and recovery, and those waiting for God’s healing and peace.
- Those in nursing or homebound care
- For peace and assistance for those who are anxious or depressed
- For perseverance for those in thankless jobs who are taken for granted
- For protection as those in crisis are led to rest in the shadow of the Almighty
- For those for whom the coronavirus feels like a constant thorn
- That we may give someone a hug today in our prayers
- For our children preparing to return to school; that they may overcome anxiety about the new and unknown
- That we may encourage others by demonstrating what it means to experience ‘that the Lord is with you’
Pray for CCC:
- Pray that we may never fail to give God the glory He deserves. I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Psalm 145:1 NIV
- That we may apply what we learned from Pastor Jim this weekend to experience the joy God means for us to experience despite our circumstances
- To trust God beyond the present crisis and keep focused on our ministry at hand
- For faithfulness in keeping God’s home, not just the mortar and stones of 500 I Street, but all the body of believers, as holy dwelling places for His Spirit
- To drown out the world’s voices with what we know to be God’s desires for our church
- That the day we may worship together in safety will come soon
To Think About: In Proverbs, God’s guide to living, we are reminded that correction from a friend results from love and what is best for us, but Satan uses flattery to catch you off guard and steer you off God’s course. Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:6 MEV
- 感謝主知道我的需要,為我預備一切的供應。
- 在我迷失正道時,主卻從不放棄我。詩篇139:9-10
- 感謝主我不爲環境和經歷所束縛,只因爲我是神的子民,豐盛不能測度!
- 感謝主讓我在這個星期看見主造物特別的奇妙和美好!
- 感謝主耶穌願意為我而死。
- 為身體軟弱和接受治療的肢體禱告,特別為準備接受手術、需要長期治療和復健,以及等候神的醫治和平安的人禱告,求主醫治使他們盡快康復。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,願聖靈的關愛、平安和喜樂與他們同在。
- 為處在焦慮和憂鬱中的人能有平安和得憐憫禱告
- 為責無旁貸、堅守在平凡崗位的人有恆久的心志禱告,
- 為危難中的人能被引導在神大能的覆避之下禱告。
- 為視新冠病毒像一顆永久的難題的人禱告。
- 求主讓我們在今天禱告中以擁抱紀念一位朋友。
- 為孩子們即將開始的新學年禱告,願他們有能力剋服嶄新和未知的事物。
- 讓我們的生命成爲主耶穌同在的範例,可以激勵他人渴慕有主同在的生命!
- 禱告我們的敬拜從不忘記將神當得的榮耀歸給他!我的神我的王啊,我要尊崇你,我要永永遠遠稱頌你的名! 詩篇145:1
- 這個周末Jimmy Han牧師帶領我們學習靠著主耶穌會獲得真喜樂,讓我們可以將神眼中的喜樂在當下的環境中應用出來。
- 信靠神超越當下的危機,讓我們的眼光可以專注手中的福音事工。
- 讓我們有忠心去保守神的家,不僅僅是教堂的門牌號碼和磚石瓦塊,重要的是眾信徒合一為肢體,成爲聖潔的殿,使聖靈住在其中。
- 讓我們的教會守在神的旨意之中,而非在世上喧嚷的目的裡。
- 讓我們可以一同聚集敬拜神的日子快快來到!