Prayer: July 5, 2020
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, for setting me free from the bondage of sin because I believe in Jesus Christ!
- Thank you, Lord, that I am your child whom you love to bless. Matthew 7:11
- Thank you, Lord, for the one beautiful gladiola flower I was able to save from the deer!
- Thank you, Lord, for providing everything I need.
- Thank you, Lord, for improved health situations of loved ones.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those with ongoing health concerns.
- Those in nursing or homebound care.
- Those suffering with COVID-19 who need peace and salvation.
- That God would grow our faith as we trust HIM over our circumstances
- For us to bring hope to those hurting in our families and our neighborhoods by pointing them to Jesus
- For our leaders to govern with wisdom and compassion for every citizen
- For strength and perseverance for our missionaries who endure hardships whose severity are multiplied due to COVID19 conditions.
Pray for CCC:
- Pray that we recognize we have much to worship God for. You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance; you have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy. Psalm 30:11
- For wisdom in planning for returning to in-person worship in the future
- That we discern the mission God has called us to and trust His provision to accomplish it
- To work collaboratively with other churches in our area for improving the spiritual well-being of all in our community
- To overcome discouragement in this time of waiting
- To pray fervently for our church and the family within
To Think About: In Proverbs, God’s guide to living, we are reminded how to treat those who have not treated us well because this what God expects. If your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them a drink. You will make them burn with shame, and the Lord will reward you. Proverbs 25:21-22 GNT
- 感謝主我因相信耶穌基督從罪的捆綁中得釋放。
- 我是上帝的孩子,是祂喜愛賜福的兒女。馬太福音7:11
- 為這一隻漂亮的剑兰感謝主,這是我能從鹿的口中救了的。
- 感謝主提供我的日用所需。
- 為家人的健康逐漸好轉感謝神。
- 為身體軟弱和接受治療的肢體禱告,願主醫治使他們盡快康復。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,願聖靈的關愛、平安和喜樂與他們同在。
- 為遭受新冠病毒感染的病人需要平安和救恩禱告。
- 求主加添信心使我們能勝過當前的狀況。
- 為傷害我們的家庭、社區的人們禱告,讓我們引導他們認識耶穌,將盼望帶給他們。
- 為在上掌權的領袖們禱告,願他們以智慧和關心的心對待每位公民。
- 為我們的宣教士禱告,求主賜給他們力量和恆心度過疫情汎濫帶來的多重困難。
- 願我們認識到我們有數不清的理由讚美神。因“你已將我的哀哭變為跳舞,將我的麻衣脫去,給我披上喜樂,(詩篇30:11)”
- 求主讓我們有智慧計劃以後恢復正常崇拜的各項事宜。
- 為我們有能力識別主呼召我們要行的事工,並信靠祂成就這些事工。
- 為能與鄰近的兄弟教會合作,促進我們社區的靈命健康。
- 為剋服等待中的沮喪禱告。
- 請為教會禱告;請彼此代禱。