July 14, 2024 Announcements

Jul 13, 2024   •  

CCC Sunday Worship Services are held in-person and on Zoom.  Online participants should sign-in with a simple and recognizable name. Come join us online or in person!

Worship Services, July 14, 2024

Combined Cantonese [C] and Mandarin [M] 10:45 am, Hung Memorial Hall, Main, Brother Greg Chen [Mandarin Zoom Link]
English [E] 11:00 am, Sanctuary, Rev. Joshua Cho

Zoom links may be requested from info@cccdc.com.

Fellowship hour begins at 12:10 pm in the Hung Memorial Hall with lunch hosted by Xuemei Lai. Please be in the lunch line by 12:30 pm.

Take Note!

Next Sunday (July 21, 2024) Joint Worship Service (all Congregations).

10:45 am Cantonese, English, and Mandarin, Rev. Charles Koo [English Zoom Link], Hung Memorial Hall
11:00 am Retreat, English – Rev. Jonathan Tung, Messiah College
Request Zoom links from info@cccdc.com.

Please Pray for Mandarin Pastor Joanna Xu, who continues chemotherapy treatments.  Praise God that her cancer cell numbers have been reduced dramatically so that surgery can be considered.

Summer Retreat at Messiah University, July 19-21, 2024. Rev. John Tung, English Ministry Pastor of the Chinese Bible Church of Maryland in Rockville, MD since 1990, will be the speaker. Theme is “We Are the Church.” Check with Dong Woo Jung or info@cccdc.com for any last-minute registration or ride questions.

Scuba Vacation Bible School Registration

Register now before space runs out!  https://vbspro.events/p/ad8b82. Paper forms and more information are located on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board!
August 5-9, 2024 // 9:00 am – 1:00 pm // Ages 3-11 //
$10 registration per child (Pay by check, cash or zelle. Shirt and lunch included). 

For more information/questions, please contact Esther at CCCDCVBS@GMAIL.COM.

FISHING FOR SUPPLIES! Please check out the QR code for our VBS Wishlist and donation requests. Donation fishes you can go fishing for are in the hallway leading to the fellowship hall. Thank you for your prayers and support in this ministry! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1DI3KF16JWJVA?ref_=wl_share

It’s O-fish-al! We need your help for Scuba VBS! Continue to pray for every child to encounter and learn about God’s love and that program planning will run smoothly! Consider volunteering before, during, and after VBS! Sign up at cccdc.com or use the same QR code as VBS registration. Some important details to note:

Mandatory VBS Training Meeting on July 14, 2024 @ 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.  Rooms 301-302. There will be a virtual option, church lunches will be provided. Please plan to attend! Middle & High Schoolers, please plan to stay one more hour from 1:30-2:30 PM for a special training just for you!
All Hands on Deck for VBS Set Up on Sat, Aug 3 (11 AM – Evening, food provided), and Sun, Aug 4 (1 PM & 7 PM)

Free Parking at PMI Parking lots on Saturdays and Sundays for Church Events 900 New York Avenue.  Obtain validation stamp at church.  Enter on 9th Street. PMI Garage at 600 Mass Ave – church paid arrangement for those who need to have a closer option for parking.  For either lot, please make sure you pick up a validation stamp or follow-up ticket at the front door from security or greeters. Street parking is also free on Sundays.  For more information contact info@cccdc.com.


Need Prayer? Send your request through the homepage of the church website. http://tinyurl.com/CCC-Prayers  or join the Monthly Church-wide Prayer Meeting.  We invite you to join together as a church family for prayer in our next virtual meeting, August 5, 2024 (usually the first Monday of the month) from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Participants may pray in any language, offering only words meant for God.  There should be no explanation or self-introduction.  You may pray following the direction of the pastors or for items on your mind at the time. You may come any time during the hour. To request meeting link, please click here.

Offerings and Donations are being received during worship services.  Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. Give according to what you have, not what you don’t have. 2 Corinthians 8:12 NLT. You may also send checks in the mail, add CCC to your Bill Pay service from your bank, or send offering through Zelle (treasurer@cccdc.com) or PayPal. Checks are payable to Chinese Community Church, 500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001.  If giving through PayPal, avoid fees by designating Friends and Family from your account, not a credit card or using the PayPal Giving Fund.

Offering collection boxes are also stationed in church worship spaces. In addition to operating budget, you may designate donations to missions, Good Samaritan Fund, Chinatown Service Center, Building Fund.

Sunday School Classes

Children Kindergarten through 5th graders, 9:30 am; Children’s Church, in-person only, 11:15

Lower basement and Zoom
Email Everett Lum, sunday.school@cccdc.com for Zoom link.

Middle and High School, Room 300, in-person only, 9:30 am

College and Young Adults, Room 303, in-person only, 9:30 am


English – Room 304, in-person and Google Meet, 9:30 am. Rev. Sharon Huie will lead a class on “Forgiveness” on July 14.  No class on July 21.  Sharing on July 28.  Summer break in August.
Mandarin – May through September, 9:30 am, weeks 1 & 2, Room 102 and Zoom; weeks 3 & 4, Room 103 and Zoom.  
Cantonese – May through September, Room 103 and Zoom;weeks 1 & 2, 9:15 am; weeks 3 & 4, 11:00 am with prayer meeting starting at 10:50 am

Community News

For more information, call Hadassah Wong at the Chinatown Service Center, 202-898-0061 on weekdays or check the website  https://www.chinatownscdc.org/

Next Legal Clinic, sponsored by Chinatown Service Center and Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center, will be July 18.  Translators are provided.  You must reserve a spot with the Chinatown Service Center, 202-898-0061 in order to attend or use contact information provided on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.  Meeting details will be provided when you call.

Community Services Classes on Zoom:  English as a Second Language Class, Tuesdays @ 6 pm; Citizenship Classes, Saturday mornings on zoom. Contact Chinatown Service Center for changes to schedule or to register and obtain the meeting link: 202-898-0061.

How to contact CCC:

Pastors are available by phone, email and text or in-person with an appointment.   Please reach out if you or a loved one needs pastoral care or other assistance.  Pastor Charles – 202-271-8422 or Pastor Joshua – 847-293-7585.  Pastor Joanna will not be able to take calls during her treatment.  Instead, please reach out to Pastor Charles or info@cccdc.com

The church office and Chinatown Service Center regular office hours are, Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.  All visitors must call the respective office to make an appointment before coming in and be informed of safety protocols when entering the church building.  Church office number is 202-637-9852 and Chinatown Service Center number is 202-898-0061.

Online Meetings:

[E] English, [C] Cantonese, [m] Mandarin

Virtual Fellowship [E] on Sundays, 12 pm right after English Worship. Stay on the same Zoom conference after the worship service.
Hope Fellowship [E] on Thursdays at 1:30 pm. On Summer Recess until September.  Email Pastor Joshua for information.
Ladies English Adult Fellowship [E] On Summer Recess June – August. Contact Grace Chen for information.  

In-Person Meetings:

Virginia Bible Study and Prayer Group [E&C] 1st & 3rdTuesdays, 10 am – 12 noon with lunch. On Summer Recess in August.
CCC Young Professionals Fellowship [E] meets Wednesdays @7:30 pm. On Summer Recess until September. Contact Pastor Joshua for details.
Married & Family Fellowship [E] On Summer Recess June – August. Email Aaron Woo or Tom Kee for more information.
Teen Fellowship [E] On Summer Recess for June-August. Email Pastor Joshua or Everett Lum for information.
Soul Sisters [E] Fellowship activity every other month.  Contact Joanne Kee for details.
Bible Study 100 [E&C] studying the book of Hebrews, second Saturdays at 10 am.  Next one, July 13, 2024 at 10 am. Contact Monica Wong about details.

CCC on the Web!

Website: www.cccdc.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cccdc1935 




國粵語堂聯合崇拜:早上10點45分,禎桂堂大堂,陳國華弟兄, [請用國語zoom鏈接]





英語退修會:早上11點,Rev. Jonathan Tung牧師, 彌賽亞學院
從info@cccdc.com 請求Zoom


請為國語堂徐麗娟牧師禱告  在化療期間堅持不懈感謝神,她的癌細胞數量已經大大減少,可以考慮手術了。

彌賽亞大學暑期退修會202471921日,John Tung 牧師將擔任主講嘉賓,主題是「我們是教會」。牧師自1990年起擔任Rockville洛市馬里蘭中華聖經教會的英文事工牧師。如有任何最後一刻註冊或乘車問題,請聯絡 Dong Woo Jung發送電郵到info@cccdc.com

暑期兒童聖經班,主題《Scuba潛水》現已接受報名登記 請到https://vbspro.events/p/ad8b82紙本表格和更多資訊位於禎桂堂公告牌上!

2024年8月5日至9日 早上9:00至下午1:00,年齡3-11,名額有限。
報名費每位小童$10 (透過支票、現金或 Zelle 支付,費用包括T恤及午餐)。

欲瞭解更多資訊或有問題,請以電郵 cccdcvbs@gmail.com 聯繫曺師母Esther。


釣魚取得補給!請查看我們的 VBS 願望清單和捐贈請求的二維碼。通往禎桂堂的走廊有可以釣魚的捐贈魚。感謝您對本事工的禱告與支持! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1DI3KF16JWJVA?ref_=wl_share    


Scuba潛水》VBS暑期兒童聖經班需要您的協助!繼續為每個孩子都能遇見、認識神的愛禱告,讓計畫順利進行!考慮在 VBS 之前、期間和之後做志工!在 cccdc.com 註冊或使用與 VBS 註冊相同的二維碼。紙本表格和更多資訊位於禎桂堂公告牌上! 50人限額中有30人已經報名。一些需要注意的重要細節:


2024年7月14日中午12:30至下午1:30必須參與的VBS 訓練會議。地點301-302室 ,你亦可選擇虛擬參加。實體出席有教會午餐提供。 務必參加! 中生和高中生,請計劃在下午 1:30-2:30停留一小時,參加專屬於您的特別訓練!
全體人員齊心協力準備 VBS   8月3日星期六(上午 11 點 至晚上,提供食物)和8月4日星期日(下午1點及 晚上7點)。 

週六、週日教會活動可在PMI停車場泊車:請用9街入口。另外教會亦在600 Mass Ave的停車場,為需要停在靠近教堂的會衆安排了停車位。無論您在哪個停車場,請向教堂前門的主日招待或安保人員領取停車票。星期日您也可以在路邊免費停車。欲知更多信息,請發送咨詢郵件到info@cccdc.com




奉獻與捐贈 哥林多後書8章12節說:“因為人若有願做的心,必蒙悅納,乃是照他所有的,並不是照他所無的。”您的奉獻與捐贈可以通過郵寄支票或銀行轉賬,以及用Zelle(treasurer@cccdc.com) 或 PayPal的方式支持教會目前的開支。奉獻支票擡頭是:Chinese Community Church地址是500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001;如用PayPal的方式,為免服務費請指定您賬内的親友而不是信用卡;或通過PayPal捐贈基金捐獻。

教堂多處都設置了奉獻箱。除了運作預算,請指定奉獻用於支持宣教、Good Samaritan Fund、華埠服務中心或教會大樓基金。







英語 – 304 室,實體和 Google Meet,上午 9:30。畢考榮牧師將於7月14日主持「寬恕」課。7月28日分享心得。八月開始放暑假。
國語: 5月至9月,上午9:30,第1和第2週日,在102室和Zoom;第3和第4週日,在103室和Zoom.
粵語: 5月至9月,在103室和Zoom;第1和第2週日上午9:15,以祈禱會開始;第3和第4週日,上午11:00,祈禱會於上午10:50開始。


如想瞭解更多社區消息:請在周一到周五之間、撥打服務中心電話202-898-0061聯絡Hadassah Wong或查詢服務中心網站:https://www.chinatownscdc.org/




教牧輔助:教會的牧師通過電話、電郵、短信以及親自探訪的方式與會衆保持聯繫。如果您或您的家人需要教牧或其他輔助,請聯絡牧師:辜漢然牧師 – 202-271-8422、曺富鉉牧師 –847-293-7585在徐麗娟牧師接受治療期間請聯繫辜牧師或info@cccdc.com





提摩太查經班Timothy Bible Study(粵語):每月第一個星期六上午10點聚會。詳情請聯絡Monica Wong
聖經100樂讀(粵語及英語):每月第二個星期六上午10點聚會。2024年研讀希伯來書。下次聚會將在7月13日上午10點。詳情請聯絡Monica Wong
維州查經、禱告會(粵語及英語):每月第一和第三個星期二上午10 – 12點聚會。七月份只在16日實體舉行。詳情請聯絡 陳偉忠
餐福崇拜及團契(普通話):每周日晚上10:30pm. Zoom在線聚會。