June 30, 2024 Prayers

Jun 28, 2024   •  

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4

Thank you, Lord, for the coworkers in your church who step in without hesitation to help when there is a need.
Thank you, Lord, for the first fruits forming in our gardens.
Thank you, Lord, for little surprises in our day which make us smile.
We pray for those undergoing prolonged medical treatment or anticipating surgery.  Cast out anything that should not be within their body. Mend what is broken.
Help us to sort out what You think is needful in a day, that we may find a healthy balance to be engaged in all that is good for us.
Lord, although it’s not Christmas, we pray for the children who received our shoebox gifts, that during their earthly journey they will find the path of Jesus which leads to You and eternal life.
Pray for Summer Retreat planning and registration sign-up.
We pray for those affected by extreme weather, for God’s mercy to be shown through Christians and churches helping their neighbors in time of need.
Help our young people discern truth from lies as the impact of media and entertainment increases.
We struggle because things happen too slowly, or too quickly, or not the right way. Show us the way of humility to accept that You are in control of our schedule.
Thank God for His promise of being our God and never changing.  How comforting to count on what He is, says and does today, He will also mean tomorrow. “I am the Lord, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed. Malachi 3:6 NLT

For more prayer items for our world, our country, our community, our church, our family, and ourselves, please see our monthly prayer calendar on the website.

“又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。” 詩篇37:4

● 主啊,感謝教會中的同工們,在有需要時他們毫不猶豫地介入提供幫助。
● 主啊,感謝祢讓我們的花園裡結出初熟的果子。
● 主啊,感謝祢在這一天帶給我們一些小驚喜,讓我們微笑。
● 我們為那些接受長期治療或即將接受手術的人祈禱。 趕走一切不該存在於他們體內的東西,修補所有的破損。
● 求主幫助我們整理出您認為一天中需要做的事情,以便我們可以找到健康的平衡,從事所有對我們有益的事情。
● 主啊,雖然不是聖誕節,但我們為收到鞋盒禮物的孩子們祈禱,願他們在塵世的旅程中找到耶穌的道路,藉此通往你和永生。
● 為暑期修退會計畫和註冊報名禱告。
● 我們為那些受極端天氣影響的人祈禱,祈求上帝的憐憫能夠透過基督徒和教會,來體現幫助有需要的鄰居的教導。
● 隨著媒體和娛樂影響力的增強,祈求上帝幫助我們的年輕人辨別真相和謊言。
● 我們之所以會陷入困境,是因為事情發生得太慢、太快、或沒有以正確的方式進行。求主向我們展示如何謙卑地接受您掌控著我們的日程安排。
● 感謝神,祂應許成為我們的神,永不改變。 相信他今天的所是、所說和所做是多麼令人得安慰,並意味著明天也是一樣。 因我耶和華是不改變的,所以你們雅各之子沒有滅亡。 瑪拉基 3:6 UV