June 16, 2024 Prayers

Jun 14, 2024   •  

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4

Thank you, Lord, for the Holy Spirit, our connection to You who reminds us of what you have and will do in our lives. John 14:26
Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to sit outside for a respite surrounded by the beauty you have created.
Thank you, Lord, for the goodness and grace of our earthly fathers, which give us a glimpse of who You are.
We pray for those undergoing difficult medical treatment or anticipating surgery.  Help them to rely on Your presence.
We pray for our graduates – thank you for what You have already and will accomplish in their lives as they follow your will.
Pray for storm victims.  “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isaiah 40:29, NIV
Teach us to honor You with our wealth to bring about positive change, to help others, and to grow Your kingdom.
We pray for Christian brothers and sisters facing persecution, thattheir families’ needs will be met.
We pray for courage to meet what is unknown to us around the corner, with confidence and wisdom.
Protect our children from evil and harm.  Help us to give them a foundation of truth to guide their decisions.
Remind us of your promise for perfect peace if we put our trust in You who is everlasting strength, for if we focus on ourselves or our problems, we are guaranteed a rocky road- You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. Isaiah 26:3-4 NLT

For more prayer items for our world, our country, our community, our church, our family, and ourselves, please see our monthly prayer calendar on the website.

“又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。” 詩篇37:4

● 主啊,感謝祢的聖靈,讓我們與祢保持聯繫,提醒我們祢在我們的生命中已經做了什麼,將會做什麼。約翰福音 14:26
● 主啊,謝謝你給我這個機會坐在外面休息,周圍環繞著你所創造的美麗。
● 主啊,感謝祢賜給我們地上父親的良善和恩典,讓我們得以瞥見祢是誰。
● 我們為那些正在接受困難治療或即將接受手術的人祈禱, 幫助他們依靠你的同在。
● 我們為我們的畢業生祈禱——感謝您在他們的生活中已經取得的成就,以及當他們遵循您的意願時將要完成的事情。
● 為風暴受害者祈禱。 “ 疲乏的,他賜能力;軟弱的,他加力量。 ”以賽亞書 40:29,UV
● 教導我們用我們的財富來榮耀您,帶來正面的改變,幫助他人,並發展您的國度。
● 我們為面臨迫害的基督徒兄弟姊妹祈禱,願他們家人的需要得到滿足。
● 我們祈禱有勇氣以信心和智慧去面對即將到來的未知事物。
● 保護我們的孩子免受邪惡和傷害。 幫助我們為他們提供指導他們決策的真理基礎。
● 提醒我們,如果我們相信你,你就是那永恆的力量,賜給人完美的和平的承諾,因為如果我們專注於自己或我們的問題,我們注定會走上崎嶇的道路——“堅心倚賴你的,你必保守他十分平安,因為他倚靠你。 你們當倚靠耶和華直到永遠,因為耶和華是永久的磐石。”  以賽亞書 26:3-4 UV