Prayers: June 13, 2021
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, for softening my heart, that I may love others as you do.
- Thank you, Lord, for leading me with unfailing love and faithfulness. Psalm 27:10
- Thank you, Lord, that you see Jesus in me, rather than the sins of my youth. Psalm 25:7
- Thank you, Lord, for the people who have shown me Your power by the way they live their lives.
- Thank you, Lord, for the sounds of spring – birds chirping, rustling trees, children’s laughter.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- For those who are anxious about upcoming medical treatments. Pray that God’s presence will calm their fears.
- For loved ones who are in pain, that they may wait with trust in God even while suffering, believing that they will see the Lord’s goodness. Psalm 27:13
- That in the busyness of the day, we may drown out the noise of the world and hear God’s guiding voice
- For willingness to make corrections when we are off God’s path, not only in our behavior but in our hearts and minds
- For speedy recovery and return to good health for those with COVID
- That we may show others the results of our salvation as new, hopeful, forgiving, positive people rather than the critical, grumpy, angry old selves. Philippians 2:12
- For those who mourn, pray that God will bring peace and joy in memories of loved ones
- That we may reach out to a non-believer with an encouraging word.
Pray for CCC:
- To live by the Spirit’s power, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:19-20
- That God will take away our stubbornness and pride so we may work together in harmony
- That we may each use the gifts God has given us to build His Kingdom. God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10
- For the teens in our church, that they may open their hearts to what God has in store for them
- For our pastors to use God’s wisdom for sorting out the ministry needs and goals for CCC
- That we may trust how God uses each of His gifted people to help with planting seeds of faith
- For energy and enthusiasm as we plan to return to God’s house in person. Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 16:11
To Think About: We often have questions that can rock our faith such as ‘what’s my purpose in life’? Especially in these pandemic times, we may lose sight of the road ahead. Jesus’ conversation with Peter before ascending to heaven gave Peter and us our mission in life – take care of and feed my sheep. John 21:15-18 Sheep need nurturing, protection, and a firm hand to stop them from doing things that are harmful and prod them into doing things that are beneficial. Sometimes a shepherd has to lay down his life for his sheep. While he was here on earth, Jesus modeled how to fulfill our purpose.
- 感謝主使我心腸柔軟,讓我可以向你愛我那樣去愛別人。
- 謝謝主用你永遠的愛和信實帶領我。(詩篇27:10)
- 謝謝主看到耶穌在我生命裡,就不记念我曾經的罪愆和过犯。(詩篇25:7)
- 感謝你,我的主,你讓我看到這些在生命中活出你能力的人。
- 為春天的聲音感謝你:蟲鳴鳥啼、樹葉沙沙、孩童嬉笑。
- 為面臨的治療過程而憂慮的弟兄姊妹禱告,求主與他們同在,平息他們内心的恐慌。
- 為我們在痛苦中的至愛親朋禱告,求主幫助他們在苦難中要信靠神,要剛强壯膽,因爲他們必要見到神的恩惠。(我若不信在活人之地得见耶和華的恩惠,就早已喪胆了。詩篇27:13)
- 讓我們在忙碌的日子裡從喧鬧的塵世中掙脫出來,傾聽神引領的聲音。
- 當我們偏離神的道路,求主幫助我們願意改正,不但在行爲上,而且在心思意念上一起改正。
- 為感染了新冠病毒的人能快速康復禱告。
- 讓我們可以以全新的、充滿希望的、樂於饒恕和積極正面的態度出現在人前,不再是那個挑剔、急躁和惱怒的老我的樣式。(腓立比書2:12)
- 為哀傷的人禱告,讓他們在紀念親人時仍充滿了主的平安和喜樂。
- 讓我們用鼓勵的言語向慕道友和未信之人傳福音。
- 讓我們依靠聖靈的能力過感恩喜樂的生活。“當用詩篇、詩歌,和靈歌,彼此對說,口唱心和的讚美主。 要奉我們主耶穌基督的名,常常為彼此感謝父 神。(以弗所書5:19-20) ”
- 求神挪去我們的頑梗和驕傲的心,使我們可以和睦服事。
- 讓我們每個人都能用神的恩賜一同建造神國。“各人要照所得的恩赐彼此服侍,做神百般恩赐的好管家(彼得前書4:10)。”
- 為我們教會的青少年禱告,讓他們願意敞開心接受神為他們預備的恩典。
- 求神賜給我們的牧者有智慧為我們教會整理事工中的需要和目標。
- 讓我們相信神使用每一位蒙恩得救的人播散福音的種子。
- 讓我們精力充沛、熱情飽滿地制定恢復在教堂崇拜的計劃。歷代志上16章11節說:“要尋求耶和華與他的能力,時常尋求他的面!”
思考:我們常常遇到足以動搖我們信念的問題,例如:“我人生的目標是什麽?”。在疫情期間,我們迷失了前面的方向。耶穌在升天之前和彼得的交談給了彼得和我們生命的方向:“你喂养我的羊。” 羊需要喂養、保護和堅實的手,阻止羊群做有害的事情並驅使它們做有益的事情。有時,牧羊人必須為他的羊捨命。當耶穌在世時,他的行爲做了實現我們人生目的榜樣。(約翰福音 21:15-18)