Prayers: January 24, 2021
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, for words of hope I heard this week. I know hope can be fulfilled by You. Micah 7:7
- Thank you, Lord, for this day that You have made.
- Thank you, Lord, for the power that is available to me in the name of Jesus. Philippians 2:9-10
- Thank you, Lord, for the footprints you leave for me to recognize that You have been always with me.
- Thank you, Lord, for Your love and mercy.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those with ongoing health concerns including those with COVID-19. May they see God working in their lives.
- Those in nursing or homebound care. Thank God for their tireless caregivers.
- For the COVID-19 vaccination process to run as efficiently as possible
- For recovery for those suffering from COVID-19, especially Pastor Dan Ho.
- For those thinking about professing their faith in Jesus at CCC
- That even in our limited walk in the world, we may intentionally share the Good News or pray for someone we do not know
- For new national leadership to guide with humility and in truth and love demonstrated by Jesus
- For patience to do the right, and sometimes hard, things that show our regard for other’s dignity and worth
Pray for CCC:
- To take on the same mindset of Jesus in whatever we do. Philippians 2:5-7
- To get busy with whatever God has called us to do, always mindful that we called to be ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20).
- To increase our bandwith of outreach so that more may hear the Gospel through CCC
- To be doers of the Word and blessed in our actions (James 1:22,25).
- That the environment in our city may allow us to worship in person soon
To Think About: Let us focus on the majesty and power of our Father, the one who created all things and has never failed to take care of us in the past, is continually with us in the present and will continue to love us into heaven in the future. The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love;therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. Jeremiah 31:3 Remember God loved us first and continues to love us. Never think that He is too busy, that you are undeserving or that you are asking too much. God’s love, mercy and kindness are infinite.
- 感謝神讓我在這個星期聽到充滿盼望的話語,因爲我知道耶和華我的神必成就他的應許。(彌迦書7:7)
- 為神所造的這一天感謝他!
- 感謝主在耶穌基督裏賜我能力。(腓立比書2:9-10)
- 感謝主你留下足跡使我知道你一直與我同在。
- 感謝主的恩典和慈愛。
- 為身體有長期病痛的肢體,包括罹患新冠病毒的人,可以看見神在他們生命中的工作。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,感謝神有不知疲倦的護工幫助他們。
- 為疫苗的處理過程得以盡可能高效率進行。
- 為新冠病毒感染者的康復禱告,特別為在休斯頓的Dan Ho牧師的恢復過程禱告。
- 為願意在我們教會承認耶穌基督為他們的信仰的人禱告。
- 禱告我們即使在世上有限的旅途中,可以特別留意與陌生人分享福音和為他們禱告。
- 為新任的國家領袖禱告,願他們照著耶穌愛人如己的樣式,在謙卑中用真理來領導這個國家。
- 讓我們在遇到比較艱難的事情時,有耐心去考慮他人的自尊和價值,做出對的決定。
- 讓我們在各樣事情上都有基督的意念。(腓立比書2:5-7)
- 讓我們在神呼召的事工上忙碌,時刻銘記我們是基督福音的使者。(哥林多後書5:20)
- 求神拓展我們外展的道路,使更多的人能從我們教會聽到福音。
- 讓我們將所聽的道行出来,也讓我們所行的事上得福。(雅各書1:22, 25)
- 盼望我們城市的環境允許我們儘快回復正常崇拜。
思考:讓我們注目於天父上帝的威嚴和大能,他創造萬物、從前一直看顧我們,現在仍然與我們同在,並將持續愛我們,直到將來我們進入天國。古时耶和华向以色列显现,说:‘我以永远的爱爱你,因此我以慈爱吸引你。’(耶利米書31:3) 想到神從來不會太忙不看顧你們,你們的要求的也不是太多。神的愛、憐憫和美善是無盡的。