Prayers: June 14, 2020
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, for carrying me in your mighty arms.
- Thank you, Lord, for the simplicity of staying at home.
- Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness to us. May we accept your timing as you answer our prayers.
- Thank you, Lord, that we may call on you from the ends of the earth. Psalm 61:2
- Thank you, Lord, for your awesomeness that is worthy to be praised. Psalm 96:4
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those in fragile health due to medical issues
- Those in nursing or homebound care who miss their families
- Those dealing with the coronavirus pandemic – patients, medical staff, researchers, caregivers, essential workers, leaders who must decide how to bring our nation back to “normal”, those who are afraid of contracting the virus, those who are still coming down with the virus
- Those who are anxious about returning to work under new policies or stepping out of the house again. Pray for protection and courage.
- For patience in rebuilding, adapting to change, and waiting
- For our children who face a summer not being able to do some of the fun things they’re used to doing
- For those affected by the flooding storms
- Those experiencing sadness; that they can receive our virtual hugs as we pray
Pray for CCC:
- Pray that our worship is contagious and uplifting. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Colossians 3:16 NIV
- To be God’s tangible presence in the world
- For the Official Board to lead with God’s purpose and unity in mind
- To find creative ways to serve and minister even if it can’t be face-to-face
- To see people’s helplessness and need from God’s viewpoint and respond with His love
- To respond to the pandemic crisis with confession and thanksgiving, knowing that God has a trustworthy plan
To Think About: In Proverbs, God’s guide to living, we are reminded that our treasure is in our eternity. Don’t let evil people worry you; don’t be envious of them. A wicked person has no future—nothing to look forward to. Proverbs 24:19-20 GNT
- 感謝主用大能的膀臂抱載我。
- 為居家生活的簡單日子感謝神!
- 感謝主的信實,讓我們願意順服神在應許我們的禱告上所設立的時間表。
- 感謝主給我禱告的權柄,“我心裡發昏的時候,我要從地極求告神,求神領我到那比我更高的磐石。”——詩篇61:2
- 因耶和華為大,當受極大的讚美,祂在萬神之上,當受敬畏。——詩篇96:4
- 為身體軟弱和接受治療的肢體禱告,願主醫治使他們盡快康復。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,他們思念親人的探望時,願聖靈的關愛、平安和喜樂與他們同在。
- 為在這場疫情中奮戰的人們禱告——病人、醫護人員、研發人員、看護者、事關民生的工作人員、為在上掌權的有智慧保護國家安全和經濟回歸正常平穩禱告、為擔心被病毒感染的人禱告、為被病毒侵染的人禱告。
- 為憂慮的人禱告,在當前政策下擔心返回辦公室工作和再次踏出家門。為他們的安全和勇氣保守禱告。
- 讓我們面對重建、適應變化和等待中有耐心。
- 為兒童不能有正常的暑期活動禱告,願親愛的主是他們最好的陪伴。
- 為遭受洪水和風暴襲擊的民衆禱告。
- 為哀傷的人禱告,讓我們的禱告化成擁抱安慰他們,使他們感受到弟兄姊妹的同在。
- 願我們的敬拜激情滿溢、令人振奮。 當用各樣的智慧,把基督的道理豐豐富富地存在心裡,用詩章、頌詞、靈歌彼此教導,互相勸誡,心被恩感歌頌神。(歌羅西書3:16)
- 讓我們教會成爲神在世界上真實的顯現。
- 為董事會能以神的心意和同心合意帶領教會的事工。
- 在不能面對面交流的時候,讓我們有新的方式牧養和關顧弟兄姊妹。
- 讓我們有智慧照著神的眼光和從神而來的愛,幫助週遭無助和有需要的人,
- 讓我們在疫情的危機中有悔改、感恩的心面對所遭遇的情況,從而知道神有一個值得信靠的計劃。