Announcements- November 10, 2024

Nov 08, 2024   •  

CCC Sunday Worship Services are held in-person and on Zoom.  Online participants should sign-in with a simple and recognizable name. Come join us online or in person!  

Worship Services, November 10, 2024

10:45 am Combined Cantonese and Mandarin, Rev. Charles Koo, HMH [Mandarin Zoom Link]
11:00 am English, Rev. Joshua Cho, [English Zoom Link]

Zoom links may also be requested from

Yeuk Lan Chau invites everyone to be her guests for lunch, prepared by Mingguang Zhang, in the Hung Memorial Hall, in celebration of her birthday at 12:10 pm.  Please be in the lunch line by 12:30 pm.

Take Note!

Next Sunday (November 17, 2024) Worship Services

 9:30 am Cantonese, Chaplain Don Kammer
10:45 am Mandarin, Chaplain Don Kammer
11:00 am English – Rev. Joshua Cho

Continued Prayer Request for Mandarin Pastor Joanna Xu’s recovery from chemo treatments.  Pray that God will strengthen and heal her.

Christmas Ministry For Children – Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party is November 10, 2024 in the Lower basement at 1:00 pm.  Let’s share about Jesus with children who have not heard the Good News.  All are welcome to come.  If you’re unable to help pack today, you may contribute for shipping costs or bring your own shoebox next week filled with suggested items. Contact Jeremy Fan or Rachel Chen for details. (

Thanksgiving Programs

November 24 – Joint Worship Service in the Sanctuary at 10:45 am.  All congregations will worship together in the sanctuary.  Translation headsets will be available for Cantonese and Mandarin translation. New members will be received through baptism and transfer
November 28 – Chinese Thanksgiving Celebration in the Hung Memorial Hall at 11:00 am followed by lunch.  See Pastor Charles or Feimin Zhang if you can help with logistics.

Attention College and Young Adults – Mission Conference Opportunity The first Ethnos Conference will be held in January 2025.  Please contact Pastor Josh for more details.  He will be one of the Seminar speakers.

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the official workplace-giving campaign for the federal community. It allows federal employees and retirees to support the causes they care about by giving to their charity (or charities) of choice from the thousands participating. Our church’s Chinatown Service Center is one of the charities on their list.  Use code #34868 to designate.  Non-federal workers may still support the Service Center with a donation made to Chinatown Service Center through the church.

Free Parking at PMI Parking lots on Saturdays and Sundays for Church Events 900 New York Avenue.  Obtain a validation stamp at church.  Enter on 9th Street. PMI Garage at 600 Mass Ave – church paid arrangement for those who need to have a closer option for parking.  For either lot, please make sure you pick up a validation stamp or follow-up ticket at the front door from security or greeters. Street parking is also free on Sundays.  For more information contact


Need Prayer? Send your request through the homepage of the church website.  or join a Prayer Meeting.  Request Zoom link from

Monthly Church-wide Prayer Meeting.  Please note the change in day from Monday to Tuesday (sharing Mandarin Prayer Meeting time slot).  We invite you to join together as a church family for prayer in our next virtual meeting on December 3from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Participants may pray in any language, offering only words meant for God.  There should be no explanation or self-introduction.  You may pray following the direction of the pastors or for items on your mind at the time. You may come any time during the hour.
Mandarin Prayer Meeting and Bible Study, Tuesdays, 7 pm on zoom.
Cantonese Prayer Meeting, Wednesdays, 7:45 pm on zoom.

Offerings and Donations are being received during worship services.  Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. Give according to what you have, not what you don’t have. 2 Corinthians 8:12 NLT. You may also send checks in the mail, add CCC to your Bill Pay service from your bank, or send offering through Zelle ( or PayPal from website link. Checks are payable to Chinese Community Church, 500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001.  If giving through PayPal, avoid fees by designating Friends and Family from your account, not a credit card or using the PayPal Giving Fund.  Offering collection boxes are also stationed in church worship spaces. In addition to operating budget, you may designate donations to missions, Good Samaritan Fund, Chinatown Service Center, Building Fund.

Sunday School Classes

Children Kindergarten through 5th graders, 9:30 am; Children’s Church, in-person only, 11:15.

Lower basement and Zoom
Email Everett Lum, for Zoom link.

Middle and High School, Room 300, in-person only, 9:30 am

College and Young Adults, Room 303, in-person only, 9:30 am


English – Room 304, in-person and Google Meet, 9:30 am.  Class canceled on November 10.
Mandarin – 9:30 am, weeks 1 & 2, Room 102 and Zoom; weeks 3 – 5, Room 103 and Zoom.  
Cantonese – Weeks 1 & 2, 9:15 am, Room 103 and Zoom; Weeks 3 – 5, 11:00 am, Room 103 and Zoom

Community News

For more information, call Hadassah Wong at the Chinatown Service Center, 202-898-0061 on weekdays or check the website

Congratulations to the Service Center on receiving a MOAPIA grant of $30,000 for FY2025!

CCC Member Rita Chow Receives Living Legend Award, the American Academy of Nursing’s highest honor for demonstrating an enduring commitment to nursing and improving health care delivery throughout her storied career.  Congratulations to Rita for her tireless positive impact in the health care field.

Welcome back to Michelle Yi who will start working in the Service Center this week until mid-February while Hadassah is on extended leave.

Next Legal Clinic, sponsored by Chinatown Service Center and Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center, will be December 5, 2024. Translators are provided.  You must reserve a spot with the Chinatown Service Center, 202-898-0061 in order to attend. Meeting details will be provided when you call.

Community Services Classes on Zoom:  English as a Second Language Class, Tuesdays @ 6 pm; Citizenship Classes, Saturday mornings on zoom. Contact Chinatown Service Center for changes to schedule or to register and obtain the meeting link: 202-898-0061.

How to contact CCC:

Pastors are available by phone, email and text or in-person with an appointment.   Please reach out if you or a loved one needs pastoral care or other assistance.  Pastor Charles – 202-271-8422 or Pastor Joshua – 847-293-7585.  Pastor Joanna will not be able to take calls during her treatment.  Instead, please reach out to Pastor Charles or

The church office and Chinatown Service Center regular office hours are, Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.  All visitors must call the respective office to make an appointment before coming in and be informed of safety protocols when entering the church building.  Church office number is 202-637-9852 and Chinatown Service Center number is 202-898-0061.

Online Meetings:

[E] English, [C] Cantonese, [m] Mandarin

Virtual Fellowship [E] on Sundays, 12 pm right after English Worship. Stay on the same Zoom conference after the worship service.
Restaurant Fellowship [M] on Sundays, 10:30 pm on Mandarin Zoom. Contact Pastor Charles.
Hope Fellowship [E] on Thursdays at 1:30 pm. Contact Pastor Joshua.
Ladies English Adult Fellowship [E] on 1st and 3rd Fridays, 7:30 pm.  Contact Grace Chen for information.  

In-Person Meetings:

Virginia Bible Study and Prayer Group [E&C] 1st & 3rdTuesdays, 10 am – 12 noon with lunch. Contact Wai Chen.
CCC Young Professionals Fellowship [E] meets Wednesdays @7:30 pm. Contact Pastor Joshua.
Married & Family Fellowship [E] meets 2nd and 4th Fridays.  Potluck at 7, Meeting at 8 pm.  Email Aaron Woo or Tom Keefor more information.
Teen Fellowship [E] meets 2nd and 4th Fridays.  Potluck at 7, Meeting at 8 pm.  Email Everett Lum for information.
Soul Sisters [E] Fellowship activity every other month.  Contact Joanne Kee for details.
Bible Study 100 [E&C] studying the book of Hebrews, second Saturdays at 10 am. Contact Monica Wong about details.
Timothy Bible Study [C], first Saturdays at 10 am. Contact Monica Wong about details.

CCC on the Web!







國粵語堂聯合崇拜:早上10點45分, 禎桂堂大堂, 辜漢然牧師。[請用國語zoom鏈接]


   崇拜之後12:10在禎桂堂有午餐團契,Yeuk Lan Chau 邀請大家參加由張明光準備的午餐,為了慶祝她的生日。請於12:30前排隊用餐。



粵語堂崇拜: 早上9點30分, 禎桂堂大堂,Don Kammer 牧師。 [請用粵語zoom鏈接]
國語堂崇拜:早上10點45分,禎桂堂大堂,Don Kammer牧師。 [請用國語zoom鏈接]
從 請求Zoom 鏈接 。



兒童聖誕事工 – 聖誕孩童禮品盒包裝派對將於2024年11月10日下午1:00在下層地下室舉行。 讓我們與尚未聽到好消息的孩子們分享耶穌。歡迎大家參加。您也可以通過自帶已包裝的禮品盒(掃描二維碼獲取包裝信息 –、捐款以支付運費,或帶來放入禮品盒的物品來幫助。聯繫Jeremy Fan或Rachel Chen了解詳情(。


11月24日 – 上午10:45在教會大禮堂舉行聯合崇拜服務. 所有會眾將在聖所一起敬拜,並提供粵語和普通話翻譯耳機。新會員將通過洗禮和轉會的方式接收。
11月28日 – 上午11:00在禎桂堂大舉行中國感恩節慶祝活動,隨後享用午餐。如您能協助後勤事宜,請聯繫Charles牧師,容麗貞,張明光或張飛敏。

大專生及年輕人注意——宣教會議機會 第一屆Ethnos宣教會議將於2025年1月舉行。請聯繫曺富鉉牧師以了解更多詳情,他將是研討會的演講者之一。 

聯合聯邦運動 (CFC) 是聯邦社區的官方工作場所捐贈運動。它允許聯邦員工和退休人員從數千家參與的慈善機構中挑選一家進行捐贈,以支持他們關心的事業。本教會國城華服務中心是其名單上的慈善機構之一。使用代碼 #34868 進行指定。非聯邦工作人員仍可通過教會向中國城華埠服務中心捐款來支持服務中心。

《視界:華埠與其延展》 由史密森尼亞太美國人中心主辦,展示亞裔美國人在華盛頓特區的物質與文化領域上留下的印記。該展覽正在史密森尼美國藝術博物館(800 G街NW)展出至2025年11月30日。教會的一些文物也在展覽中展出。

週六、週日教會活動可在PMI停車場泊車:請用9街入口。另外教會亦在600 Mass Ave的停車場,為需要停在靠近教堂的會衆安排了停車位。無論您在哪個停車場,請向教堂前門的主日招待或保安人員領取停車票。星期日您也可以在路邊免費停車。欲知更多信息,請發送咨詢郵件到




奉獻與捐贈 哥林多後書8章12節說:“因為人若有願做的心,必蒙悅納,乃是照他所有的,並不是照他所無的。”您的奉獻與捐贈可以通過郵寄支票或銀行轉賬,以及用Zelle ( 或 PayPal的方式支持教會目前的開支。奉獻支票擡頭是:Chinese Community Church地址是500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001;如用PayPal的方式,為免服務費請指定您賬内的親友而不是信用卡;或通過PayPal捐贈基金捐獻。

教堂多處都設置了奉獻箱。可指定奉献用運作預算,或可指定奉獻用於支持宣教、Good Samaritan Fund、華埠服務中心或教會大樓基金。







英語 – 304 室,實體和 Google Meet,上午 9:30。畢巧榮牧師於9月8日開始《啟示錄》中“七個教會”的系列。
粵語:在103室和Zoom;第1和第2週日上午9:15 開始;第3至第5週日上午10:50開始。


如想瞭解更多社區消息:請在周一到周五之間、撥打服務中心電話202-898-0061聯絡Hadassah Wong或查詢服務中心網站:

恭喜服務中心獲得MOAPIA 2025 財年 30,000 美元補助金!

CCC成員榮獲「傳奇人物獎」Rita Chow這是美國護理學院的最高榮譽,表彰她在其傑出職業生涯中對護理工作及改善醫療服務的持續貢獻。祝賀Rita Chow在醫療領域所做出的不懈努力和積極影響

歡迎Michelle Yi 易田園回來,將於本週開始在服務中心工作,直到二月中旬,Hadassah黃亮亮將延長休假。







[E] 英文, [C] 粵語, [M]

網絡團契 [E] 於每週日英語崇拜後12點舉行。崇拜結束後,請繼續留在同一個Zoom會議中。
餐福團契 [M] 於每週日晚上10:30在國語Zoom鏈接上舉行。
盼望團契 [E] 每週四下午1:30舉行。欲了解更多信息,請聯繫曺富鉉牧師。
英文婦女成人團契 [E]每月的第一和第三個星期五,晚上7:30。欲了解更多信息,請聯繫Grace Chen。


提摩太查經班Timothy Bible Study(粵語):每月第一個星期六上午10點聚會。詳情請聯絡 Monica Wong
聖經100樂讀(粵語及英語):2024年研讀希伯來書。每月第二個星期六上午10點聚會,詳情請聯絡 Monica Wong
維州查經、禱告會(粵語及英語):每月第一和第三個星期二上午10 – 12點聚會及午餐詳情請聯絡:陳偉忠
餐福崇拜及團契(普通話):每周日晚上10:30 pm. Zoom在線聚會。
婚姻與家庭團契 [E] 於每月的第二和第四個星期五舉行。晚餐聚會於7點開始,8點開始會議。欲了解更多信息,請聯繫Aaron Woo或Tom Kee。
青少年團契 [E] 於每月的第二和第四個星期五舉行。晚餐聚會於7點開始,8點開始會議。欲了解更多信息,請聯繫曺富鉉牧師或Everett Lum。