September 15, 2024 Prayers
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
Thank you, Lord….
● for committed and caring CCC staff
● for the counsel we find in Your Word
● for choosing us to be your family. Ephesians 1:4-5
● for the good things You have planned for us, we cannot even count. Psalm 40:5
● for strangers who have encouraged us with kindness
Have your way in us, Lord, even as we fight to control each aspect of our lives, guide us to be more like Jesus….
● teach us to use gentle speech to build others up
● redirect us when we are tempted to be unfaithful to God’s calling
● may we witness with our lives what we may not be able to say with our mouths
● help us to be forgiving with others, just as Christ has forgiven us Ephesians 4:31-32
● help us to recognize and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading rather than the loud cries of worldly temptations
We pray for brothers and sisters not only at CCC but also outside our walls, asking that God’s good and perfect will be accomplished even though we might not understand the process or outcome….
● for those who have been treated inhumanely we pray for deliverance from their captors
● for peace in the world
● for college students to handle new-found freedoms under God’s protection
● for healing for those in physical pain or mental anguish
● for co-workers in the church to persevere in joyful obedience to the task in which God has led them to serve
For more prayer items for our world, our country, our community, our church, our family, and ourselves, please see our monthly prayer calendar on the website.
“又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。” 詩篇37:4
感謝主 …
● 因為我們在主的聖言中找到了忠告。
● 感謝你選擇我們成為你的家人。以弗所書 1:4-5
● 因為你為我們計畫的美事,我們數不勝數。詩篇 40:5
● 感謝那些用善意鼓勵我們的陌生人。
主啊,儘管我們努力控制生活的各個方面,求主在我們裡面按你的方式行事, 求主引導我們變得更像耶穌…
● 教導我們用溫柔的言語來建立別人。
● 當我們受到誘惑不忠於上帝的召喚時,引導我們。
● 願我們用生命見證那些我們無法用嘴唇表達的事情。
● 幫助我們寬恕他人,就像基督寬恕我們一樣。以弗所書4:31-32
● 幫助我們認識並跟隨聖靈的引導,而不是世俗誘惑的呼喊。
● 對於那些受到不人道待遇的人,我們祈禱他們能從綁架者手中被解救出來。
● 為了世界和平。
● 讓大學生在上帝的保護下應對新獲得的自由。
● 為身體疼痛或精神痛苦的人提供治療。
● 教會裡的同工們要堅持不懈地、喜樂地順服神帶領他們去侍奉的任務。