May 26, 2024

May 24, 2024   •  

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4

  • Thank you, Lord, for the men and women who died serving in our country’s military.
  • Thank you, Lord, for the warmth of the sun and longer daylight hours.
  • Thank you, Lord, for your truth which brings us guidance and direction.
  • We pray for those suffering from health issues. May they be still and know God’s refuge and strength. Psalm 46:10
  • Pray for the release of those who are persecuted.
  • Pray for peace and courage for believers whose family members do not accept or understand their faith.
  • Forgive us, Lord, when we take our blessings for granted and forget from whom they have come.
  • Restore in us childlike wonder which enjoys the mystery and majesty of God’s presence and belief that He is always at work in us
  • Guide us in our day to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you God. Micah 6:8
  • Pray for our missionaries, that they see the harvest that comes from their patient investment of time in people.
  • We pray for our upcoming summer events, Summer Retreat and Vacation Bible School. May God guide our planning and draw people closer to Him through these activities.
  • Remind us of your promise that You want only the best for us – For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. Psalm 84:11

For more prayer items for our world, our country, our community, our church, our family, and ourselves, please see our monthly prayer calendar on the website.


“又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。” 詩篇37:4

  • 感謝主那些為我國犧牲的軍人。
  • 主啊,感謝祢賜予溫暖的陽光和較長的白晝時間。
  • 為帶給我們指引和方向的真理感謝主。
  • 為那些有健康問題的人禱告。願他們休息並知道神的力量和祂是我們的避難所。詩篇 46:10
  • 為受迫害的人獲得釋放禱告。
  • 為家人不接受或不理解其信仰的信徒祈求平安和勇氣。
  • 主啊,當我們認為我們的祝福是理所當然而忘記它們是從誰而來的時候,求祢寬恕我們。
  • 恢復我們的童心,回復享受上帝臨在的奧祕和威嚴,並相信祂一直在我們心裡工作。
  • 引導我們在今天行善,好憐憫,並存謙卑的心與神同行。彌迦書 6:8
  • 為我們的宣教士禱告,願他們看見在人們身上耐心投入時間所帶來的收穫。
  • 為我們即將到來的夏季活動、暑期退修會和暑期兒童聖經班祈禱。願主引導我們的計劃,並透過這些活動讓人們更親近祂。
  • 提醒我們祢只會把最好的賜予我們的承諾 – 因為耶和華神是日頭,是盾牌,要賜下恩惠和榮耀,他未嘗留下一樣好處,不給那些行動正直的人。詩篇 84:11