May 19, 2024

May 17, 2024   •  

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4

  • Thank you, Lord, for being a comfort because You come near to us. Psalm 145:18
  • Thank you, Lord, for family and friends who bless us with kind words and actions.
  • Thank you, Lord, for the joy that the beauty of your creation brings to us.
  • We pray for renewed strength for those suffering from health issues. May they rely on God’s power to go through this struggle.
  • We pray for mental and physical healing for those suffering the results of war and violence and pray for an end to the division among all people.
  • We pray for those burdened by negative attitudes leading to self-destruction.
  • We pray for loved ones who don’t have any desire to know the God who created them. May He attune their ears to hear Him calling.
  • We pray for us who are weary, worn and waiting. Take hold of our doubt and disappointment and help us to see that You are still working out Your good plans in and for us.
  • We pray for protection for our children, that their minds and bodies will be safe from harm. Help us to strengthen their armor against evil by teaching them God’s Word.
  • We pray for the CCC Board and Ministry Teams – may God guide them in His will and enable them to carry out their responsibilities with His wisdom.
  • Remind us of your promise that You are ready, willing, and able to take us through any situation – I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! Isaiah 65:24 NLT

For more prayer items for our world, our country, our community, our church, our family, and ourselves, please see our monthly prayer calendar on the website.


“又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。” 詩篇37:4

  • 主啊,感謝祢是我們的安慰,因為祢來與我們相近。詩篇145:18
  • 為家人和朋友以仁慈的言語和行動來祝福我們感謝主。
  • 主啊,感謝祢的美麗創造帶給我們喜樂。
  • 為那些有健康問題的人禱告,並祈求他們獲得新的力量。願他們依靠神的力量來渡過這場鬥爭。
  • 為那些因戰爭和暴力而遭受痛苦的人禱告,求他們的身心得到治愈,並祈禱人與人之間的分裂能夠結束。
  • 為那些因背著負面心態而導致自我摧殘的人祈禱。
  • 為那些不想認識創造他們的神的親友禱告。願神促使他們接受祂的呼喚。
  • 為我們之中困頓、疲乏和在等待的人祈禱。主啊,抓住我們的懷疑和失望,幫助我們看到祢仍在為我們制定祢的美好旨意。
  • 求主保護我們的孩子們免受身心的傷害。幫助我們透過教導他們上帝的話語強化他們抵抗邪惡的盔甲。
  • 為CCC董事會和事工團隊祈禱-願神按照祂的旨意引領他們以祂的智慧來履行職責。
  • 提醒我們祢願意並且樂意和有力量帶領我們渡過任何情況的承諾 – 我會在他們呼喚我之前回答他們他們尚未求告,我就應允;正說話的時候,我就垂聽。以賽亞書65:24。