October 8, 2023
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
- Thank you, Lord, for the Holy Spirit who provides us with power to overcome temptations.
- Thank you, Lord, for making our efforts to serve Him whole and perfect.
- Thank you, Lord, for the dawn, a daily reminder of His majesty and power.
- Help us not to live in a scattered way but on the solid Rock that is You.
- We pray for those who are close to the end of life on earth and pray for their eternity.
- Help us to be encouragers, not distractors or complainers.
- We pray that God will be gracious to our children, continuously protecting and guiding them.
- Renew our minds with your Word: Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 NLT
- We pray for those struggling with organizing their day’s schedule.
- We pray for opportunities for the message of salvation to be shared especially in countries where believers are harassed. We pray for wisdom for our missionaries working in the harvest field.
- We pray for those who are undergoing medical treatment.
- Forgive us, Lord, when we have taken shortcuts with our tasks rather than discerning God’s purpose and plan for doing them.
- Let us think about your promise for strength. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
For more prayer items for our world, our country, our community, our church, our family, and ourselves, please see our monthly prayer calendar on the website.
“又要以耶和華為樂,他就將你心裡所求的賜給你。” 詩篇37:4
- 主啊,感謝你的聖靈給予我們力量來戰勝試探。
- 主啊,感謝主你讓我們待奉神的努力既完整又完美。
- 主啊,感謝你賜有黎明,每天提醒我們神的威嚴和權能。
- 幫助我們不要以零散的方式生活,而要生活在堅固的磐石上,那就是你。
- 我們為那些在這地上的生命即將終結的人們祈禱,並為他們的永生禱告。
- 幫助我們做鼓勵者,而不是做幹擾或抱怨的人。
- 求神憐憫我們的孩子,不斷地保護和引導他們。
- 用你的話語來使我們的心意更新:務要謹守、警醒,因為你們的仇敵魔鬼如同吼叫的獅子,遍地遊行,尋找可吞吃的人。彼得前書 5:8
- 我們為那些在安排一天日程上掙扎著的人禱告。
- 我們祈禱有機會分享救恩的信息,特別是在信徒受到騷擾的國家。也為在莊稼田地工作的傳教士祈求智慧。
- 我們為那些在接受治療的人禱告。
- 主啊,原諒我們在任務上走捷徑,而不是辨別神對我們的旨意和計劃去行事。
- 讓我們思考你力量的承諾。我靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能做。腓立比書4:13