Prayers: June 26, 2022
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Thank you, God:
- for your awesomeness and for giving us power and strength. Psalm 68:35
- that when we seek you with our whole heart, we will find You. Jeremiah 29:13
- for a hill full of daisies that a year ago were just tiny dots of seeds. Thank you that you are always working in ways we will never understand but can enjoy.
- for the blessing of coworkers
- for finding something to smile about in every situation
- for those who are ill or frail
- for those who are homebound or hospitalized or recovering from treatment
- for those caught in the devastation of the earthquake in Afghanistan
- for those traumatized by gun violence and fighting. We pray for peace in the hearts of those who are grieving as well as those who do not know how to deal with their anger
- that we may practice being God’s hands and feet as we serve in this broken world
- for our nation’s leaders, that they be moved to do what is good in God’s eyes
- for those who are job hunting
- for safety for those traveling
- for patience and perseverance for our missionaries as they bring souls to Christ one by one. Pray they will remain joyful amid suffering (Acts 5:41)
- that we continue to practice safety in COVID conditions
- for the church Summer Retreat – for preparations by the English Ministry Team and speaker; and for those who sign up to be taught and refreshed in the fellowship of church family
- for a time of refreshing and inspiration for Pastor Joanna during her summer sabbatical
- for Vacation Bible School – for the planners, the helpers, and the students who will attend
- that God will provide peace, comfort, and reconciliation for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Be with those who are anxious, fearful and bereaved. We continue to cry out for an end to this conflict trusting in God’s mercy and compassion.
To Think About:
During Isaac’s time there was a famine which caused much upheaval and uncertainty just like COVID19 is causing a famine of hope and life as we knew it. But Isaac kept God’s promise in his heart, I will be with you and will bless you (Genesis 26:3), and was obedient when God told him where to move and what to do to survive the famine. May we follow Isaac’s example and spend time in prayer that we may hear God’s direction, use the resources He provides and be active in our obedience.
“要常常喜樂, 不住的禱告, 凡事謝恩。因為這是 神在基督耶穌裏向你們所定的旨意。”
帖撒羅尼迦前書 五章 十六至十八節
- 使我們有敬畏你的心;又賜給我們每天夠用的力量和能力。詩篇 68:35
- 當我們全心全意尋求你時,你就讓我們尋找到你。 (耶利米書 29:13)
- 讓一年前一點小小的種子長成遍滿小山的雛菊。感謝您,儘管我們無法理解您手中的工作,但總是能讓我們可以享受您工作的成果。
- 賜福我們的同工。
- 無論環境如何,我們總是能發現可以微笑的事物。
- 生病的肢體和居家行動不便的弟兄姊妹滿有神的同在。
- 我們不要讓驕傲阻攔我們信靠上帝。
- 在阿富汗地震中受災的人能得到神的憐憫。
- 遭受槍支暴力和戰鬥創傷而悲傷的人能尋求平安,也爲不知如何處理心中憤怒的人能夠尋到内心的平安。
- 在我們服侍這個破碎的世界時,能成為上帝的肢體,彼此搭配合適。
- 我們政府的領導人被感動,行上帝眼中看爲美的事。
- 求職者能將重擔交在上帝的手中。
- 神保守出外旅行的人平安、安全。
- 我們的傳教士將靈魂一個一個地帶到基督面前時,滿有從神而來耐心和毅力;願他們在試煉中常常喜樂。(使徒行傳 5:41)
- 我們在新冠病毒持續存在的條件下保證安全措施。
- 教會的夏季退修會的準備工作順利——為英語事工團隊的準備工作進展順利禱告,求神預備講員的心;讓報名參加者有受教的心,並在教會大家庭的團契中靈命得更新。
- 徐麗娟傳道的暑期休假使她身心得以振奮。
- 暑期兒童聖經學校的籌劃人、義工和參加的學生合神心意、蒙神祝福!
- 神為我們在烏克蘭的兄弟姐妹提供和平、安慰與和解;願神與那些焦慮、恐懼和失去親人的同在。讓我們迫切地禱告呼求神以憐憫和同情結束這場衝突。
在以撒那個時代,一場飢荒造成了巨大的動盪和不確定性,就像新冠病毒造成了衆所周知的無望和對生命的渴望。但以撒在心裡信守了神的應許,我必與你同在,賜福給你(創世記 26:3),當神告訴他遷移的地點和渡過饑荒的方法時,他很聽話。願我們模仿以撒,用時間禱告,聆聽上帝的指示,使用祂提供的資源,主動順服神的引導。