Prayers: October 31, 2021
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, that You hear whatever I pray about in Your name. Help me to listen for your response. I John 5:14
- Thank you, Lord, for Your Word which is like fresh air for the soul.
- Thank you, Lord, for teaching me that putting others first is better than striving for my own way.
- Thank you, Lord, for the comfort and joy of family dinners.
- Thank you, Lord, for options and Your help in choosing what You know is best.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- For those who need help with daily living activities.
- For continued healing and patience for those receiving medical treatment
- For those going through trials would be led to a deeper trust in God rather than questioning His way
- For those who lost homes and treasures to the storms this past week
- For safety against the Covid infection, especially health care workers who care for those being hospitalized
- To find time to be still and know God is in control over every item on our to-do list. (Psalm 46:10)
- That there be no more complaining, but a readiness to do God’s will. Jesus never made demands of God, but was obedient.
- For those looking for jobs.
- For new babies in our church family.
- For those who decided against vaccination for “religious reasons”; some may face losing their jobs for their faith conviction.
Pray for CCC:
- To be thankful for being delivered from the law of sin and death. My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you— I whom you have delivered. Psalm 71:23
- To choose God’s will, just as Jesus did, whether it means suffering or not.
- To fix our eyes on the unseen which is eternal and not what we see in front of us which is temporary. 2 Corinthians 4:18
- To believe in God’s supernatural power and authority to sanctify our efforts of making disciples. Matthew 28:18-19
- For the new Official Board members and officers being prepared for service next year
- Thank God for the joy of worshiping in person and the option of worshiping online as needed
- That our young children will be nourished by the Word in their Sunday School classes
- For our students who are away at college
- For perseverance in our work for the Lord…. stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. – 1 Corinthians 15:58
To Think About: What’s needed most if we are to be disciples of Christ? Life-Style Worship. We must present our offerings to God, not only because He deserves it, but he asks for it. Then Moses carefully wrote down all the Lord’s instructions. Early the next morning Moses got up and built an altar at the foot of the mountain. He also set up twelve pillars, one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Then he sent some of the young Israelite men to present burnt offerings and to sacrifice bulls as peace offerings to the Lord. (Exodus 24:4-5) Part of our worship is to present sacrifices of praise and the work of our hands, not what is left, but the best that we have.
- 約翰一書5章14節說:“我們若照他的旨意求什麼,他就聽我們,這是我們向他所存坦然無懼的心。” 感謝主你垂聽我奉你名的禱告;感謝你幫助我聆聽你的回應。
- 感謝主的話語如清新的空氣蘇醒我的靈魂。
- 感謝主教導我要先人後己。
- 感謝主賜給我們能享受閤家共進晚餐的舒適愜意和喜樂。
- 感謝主給我選擇的權利;感謝主幫助我選擇你認爲最好的選項。
- 為日常起居生活需要幫助的人禱告。
- 為持續診治和恢復過程的耐心禱告。
- 求主經歷磨難的人會更深地信靠上帝而不是質疑他的道路。
- 為上週在風暴中失去家園和財物的人禱告。
- 為安全應對新冠病毒感染禱告,特別是為看顧住院病人的醫護工作者的安全禱告。
- “你們要休息,要知道我是神!我必在外邦中被尊崇,在遍地上也被尊崇 (詩篇 46:10)。” 求神幫助我們安靜在他的話語中,幫助我們知道他掌管我們生命中的各樣事情。
- 願我們不再有抱怨,而是準備好遵行神的心意。耶穌從不向神提出要求,而是順從。
- 為正在尋找工作的人禱告。
- 為我們教會大家庭中的新生兒禱告。
- 為那些因“宗教理由”放棄接種疫苗而面臨失去生計的人禱告。
- 感謝神救我們脫離罪和死亡的律法。“我歌頌你的時候,我的嘴唇和你所贖我的靈魂都必歡呼(詩篇 71:23)。”
- 讓我們不論是否有磨難,都像耶穌一樣選擇神的旨意。
- 將我們的眼光定睛在現在不可見的永恆,不要矚目眼前可見的事物,因為所見的是暫時的,所不見的是永遠的。(哥林多後書 4:18)
- 讓我們相信神擁有天上地下所有的權柄,賜福我們的福音事工,使人做他的門徒。(馬太福音 28:18-19)
- 為準備在明年董事會服事的弟兄姊妹禱告。
- 感謝神讓我們有實體敬拜的喜悅,也讓我們能在有需要時選擇在線敬拜。
- 願我們年幼的孩子們在主日學課程中得到神話語的滋養。
- 為我們離家在外就讀的大學生禱告。
- 求主保守我們堅持為主做工…… “所以,我親愛的弟兄們,你們務要堅固,不可搖動,常常竭力多做主工,因為知道,你們的勞苦在主裡面不是徒然的( 哥林多前書 15:58)。”
思考:我們要成為基督的門徒,最需要什麼?答案就是:在生活中敬拜神。我們必須向神獻上我們的祭物,不僅是因為他配得,而且這是他的命令。 摩西將耶和華的命令都寫上。清早起來,在山下築一座壇,按以色列十二支派立十二根柱子,又打發以色列人中的少年人去獻燔祭,又向耶和華獻牛為平安祭。(出埃及記 24:4-5) 我們的敬拜包括獻上讚美為祭物和我們手中擁有的、最好的部分,而不是剩下的東西。