Prayers: October 18, 2020
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, for new strength when I put my trust in You. Isaiah 40:31
- Thank you, Lord, for Your guidance on everyday matters.
- Thank you, Lord, that You fight for me whatever the battle of the day. Exodus 14:14
- Thank you, Lord, that Your love for me will not be shaken even if I have doubts. Isaiah 54:10
- Thank you, Lord, for the beauty of a fall day.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those with ongoing health concerns. Pray for courage for those discouraged by their condition.
- Those in nursing or homebound care. Pray for new mercies every morning.
- Those suffering in the COVID-19 pandemic and those working to overcome its devastation
- Those in mourning
- Those suffering the aftermath of fires, storms, illness.
- The loved ones we cannot see and hug, but we can still talk to
- For those who cannot worship God openly or believe in Jesus
Pray for CCC:
- Let us come to the Lord with hearts full of worship for our Creator. Sing to the Lord, for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world. Isaiah 12:5 NLT
- That ministry leaders make decisions based on God’s principles
- For strength and wisdom for our pastors to bring encouragement to those in difficult situations. May their compassion flow ceaselessly from the Holy Spirit
- That we be faithful seed sowers so that God’s Kingdom can grow
- That we do not allow the pandemic to make us complacent in our ministry
- That we discern and consider the places God is leading us to even if we haven’t gone there before
- That as we know God more, we may make necessary changes to serve Him better.
To Think About: In Proverbs, God’s guide to living, we are reminded that a person who is prideful and self-centered, always trying to advance and please oneself, usually is at odds with others. Those who trust in the Lord will not cause discord and will be satisfied with God’s blessings. He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife, but he who puts his trust in the Lord will prosper. Proverbs 28:25 ESV
- 感謝主讓我信靠得力。但那等候耶和華的,必重新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰,他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。以賽亞書 40:31
- 感謝主引領我每日的大事小事。
- 感謝主耶和華為屬他的子民每日臨到的各樣處境爭戰。出埃及記 14:14
- 雖然我會動搖,但神的慈愛絕不動搖。 大山可以挪開,小山可以遷移,但我的慈愛必不離開你,我平安的約也不遷移。」這是憐恤你的耶和華說的。以賽亞書 54:10
- 為秋日美景稱頌神!
- 為身體軟弱和接受治療的肢體禱告,求主為灰心失意的人在絕境中帶出勇氣。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,願神的恩典慈愛每日都臨到他們。
- 為罹患新冠病毒的百姓和堅持在第一綫與病毒抗爭的各級機構和人員禱告,求神保守看護。
- 為失去至親、心中悲傷的人禱告,願從神而來的平安與他們同在。
- 為遭受火災、風暴和疾病的生命禱告,求神保守和看護。
- 為我們不能見面的親人禱告,感謝神我們仍然可以通話聊天。
- 為不能公開敬拜我們的神,也不能公開相信耶穌基督的弟兄姊妹禱告,主必保守真心相信他的人。
- 讓我們的心滿了對造物主的敬拜和贊美。「你們要向耶和華唱歌,因他所行的甚是美好。但願這事普傳天下!以賽亞書12:5
- 為教會的事工領袖禱告,願他們的決策合乎神的旨意。
- 為我們的牧者滿有屬天的能力和智慧為困苦中的人帶去鼓勵,願聖靈的關愛湧流不息。
- 讓我們成爲忠誠的福音撒種人,使神囯的疆界得以擴展。
- 願這次的流行病不會帶給我們在事工中的自滿情緒。
- 求主賜給我們有識別和思考的能力,當我們面臨新的環境和服侍工場時可以跟隨神的引領。
- 讓我們更深地認識神,使我們的服侍可以照著神的心意更新變化。