Prayers: October 11, 2020
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, for meeting my spiritual and physical needs. Help me to pass that gratitude on to others.
- Thank you, Lord, for making Yourself accessible to me despite all the other things you are taking care of.
- Thank you, Lord, for making me in Your image and giving me the power to reflect your glory.
- Thank you, Lord, for all the behind-the-scenes hands that make my days brighter.
- Thank you, Lord, I do not walk alone in this fallen and sinful world toward the finish line which is not on this earth.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those with ongoing health concerns. Pray for God’s continued healing.
- Those in nursing or homebound care. Pray that the fall season reminds them of God’s majesty.
- Those who work perseveringly to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic – health care workers, scientists working on a vaccine and treatments, those in clinical trials, caregivers at home nursing loved ones back to health.
- Those who are discouraged to be filled with Your joy and peace
- Those fighting the wildfires on the west coast, that all lives may be saved
- That we learn from Job, that even in his suffering, he was never abandoned by God but learned to accept good and trouble.
- To face each day with the uncertainties it brings with courage and confidence in God’s will
Pray for CCC:
- Pray that we may pray diligently, for sharing time with our Father is a special kind of worship. Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9-10 NLT
- That we may concentrate on the good we can do now
- That our election process, although different, will be acceptable to God.
- That we can use our Zoom conference capabilities for God’s glory
- For our families to persevere in sorting out and accomplishing what is most important to take care of in a day
- That we overcome the bleakness painted by statistics, selfishness, and lack of control and have confidence in God’s goodness
- That we may honor God with whatever we do
To Think About: In Proverbs, God’s guide to living, we are reminded that being faithful and obedient to the Lord has a better outcome than trying to cut corners or compromise integrity. A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished. Proverbs 28:20 ESV
- 感謝主滿足我身心靈的需要,又幫助我將感恩的心傳遞到其他人。
- 感謝主你看顧世上萬事,你也讓我能靠近你。
- 感謝主讓我有你的形象,又賜能力使我能夠活出你的榮耀。
- 感謝所有的幕後工作人員,感謝他們使我的日子越來越光明。
- 感謝主!在這沉淪和罪惡的世界裡,我不需獨自邁向那不屬這個世界的終點綫。
- 為身體軟弱和接受治療的肢體禱告,求主醫治並賜下平安,使他們盡快康復。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,願聖靈的關愛、平安和喜樂與他們同在,讓他們知道上帝的奇妙偉大。
- 為堅持在第一綫與病毒抗爭的人禱告:義務人員、疫苗研發科學家和臨床實驗人員、居家做看護家人康復工作的人。
- 為悲觀失意的人禱告,願從神而來的平安和喜樂可以鼓勵他們。
- 為發生在西海岸的山火和一切的生命禱告,求神保守和看護。
- 讓我們向約伯學習,因爲即使在苦難中,他仍然相信神的不離不棄,學會順服,既能接受好的環境也能接納不好的環境。
- 禱告我們在面對每天不同的情況時,領受到這一切都有從神而來的信心和鼓勵。
- 讓我們殷勤禱告,知道與主獨處也是一種特別的敬拜。「所以,你們禱告要這樣說:『我們在天上的父,願人都尊你的名為聖,願你的國降臨,願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。馬太福音6:9-10
- 讓我們專注我們所做的善工。
- 為董事會選舉禱告,儘管今年采用的方式略有不同,但願神悅納我們。
- 讓我們借用ZOOM會議的功能繼續傳揚神的榮耀。
- 為我們的家庭生活禱告,求神保守各個家庭能堅持井然有序、保證完成每日居家生活最重要的事務。
- 讓我們剋服由於統計、自私、管理不善造成的不如意,使我們相信神的美善。
- 讓我們在一切所行的事上都能榮耀神的美名。