Prayers: October 4, 2020
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, for crisp, fall days.
- Thank you Lord that my obstacles are not your obstacles.
- Thank you, Lord, for reminding me to look up to You for help.
- Thank you, Lord, I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God (1 Peter 1:18-19)
- Thank you, Lord, You prepare a table of abundant goodness, joy, peace, and power even when i am in the midst of the enemy of pandemic, fire, and storms. Ps 23:5
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those with ongoing health concerns. Pray for healing and peace.
- Those in nursing or homebound care. Pray for God’s presence to overcome their isolation.
- Those who mourn.
- For our missionaries
- Those with illness for whom the world’s medicine cannot help
- Those who need the hope of salvation
- Thank God for those who take care of our daily needs and safety often at risk to themselves
- For those who have lost everything due to fire
Pray for CCC:
- Pray that we may strengthen ourselves with the living water of His Word and Spirit in worship. “Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink— even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk— it’s all free! Isaiah 55:1 NLT
- That God’s Word will be proclaimed and bear fruit even when it’s not in the way we imagined
- Thank God for co-workers serving behind the scenes to provide virtual worship and learning opportunities.
- That we persevere in caring for one another even while social distancing
- For our pastors to discern how to shepherd their flocks and be voices of sacrificial love in their communities
- That God’s will be done in the leadership election process of our church
- That we may figure out ways to minister even with the pandemic restrictions
To Think About: In Proverbs, God’s guide to living, we are reminded that fearing the Lord puts God with us, much better than living by our own devices. Blessed is the man who reveres God, but the man who doesn’t care is headed for serious trouble. Proverbs 28:14 NLT
- 感謝主賜秋高氣爽。
- 我的困難在神而言并非難事,因爲他的道路高過我的道路,在神豈有難成的事?
- 感謝神提醒我:在需要幫助時要仰望他的應許。
- 感謝主不是凭着能坏的金银,乃用无瑕疵、无玷污的基督的宝血,使我们得赎,脱去虚妄的行为。(彼得前書1:18-19)
- 感謝主!在病毒流行、水火肆虐中,你为我摆设筵席,賞賜我美好、喜樂、平安和力量,使我福杯满溢。(詩篇23:2)
- 為身體軟弱和接受治療的肢體禱告,求主醫治並賜下平安,使他們盡快康復。因内心的平安是肉體的生命。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,願聖靈的關愛、平安和喜樂與他們同在。
- 與哀傷的人同哀傷,求主親自撫慰他們。
- 為宣教士禱告,願主保守他們傳福音的脚蹤平穩堅固。
- 為有疾病但現代醫學不能醫治的弟兄姊妹禱告。
- 為需要耶穌基督救恩的人禱告,願他們尋求就尋到,叩門就開門!
- 為照顧我們每日所需和提供安全環境的人們感謝神,感謝他們冒著危險服務大衆。
- 為火災中失去所有財物的人禱告。
- 讓我們以心靈和誠實來敬拜神,因他話語中的生命活水和聖靈的同在使我們的身心靈强壯。「你們一切乾渴的,都當就近水來!沒有銀錢的,也可以來!你們都來,買了吃。不用銀錢,不用價值,也來買酒和奶。以賽亞55:1
- 神的話語是立定在天,結實纍纍,超出人能力所及的。
- 感謝幕後同工的殷勤服侍,為大家提供網絡崇拜和學習的機會。
- 禱告我們在彼此不能面對面時,仍能堅持照顧他人的需要。
- 求主讓我們的牧師有能力識別牧養會衆的方式和在社區中傳揚基督捨己的恩典。
- 為教會領導同工的選舉禱告,願主已經安排好了和他心意的同工。
- 求主引領我們在事工方式,特別是在疾病流行的限制中。