Prayers: August 16, 2020
Pray in thanksgiving for God’s presence in our lives:
- Thank you, Lord, for the treasure you give me in Jesus.
- Thank you, Lord, for the extra time I have to read Your Word now that I’m not in the car so much.
- Thank you, Lord, that I am Your child, for it brings me peace. 1 John 3:2
- Thank you, Lord, that You care about every little thing happening in my life.
- Thank you, Lord, for cooling summer rains.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ:
- Those with ongoing health concerns, those anticipating surgery, those on a long road of treatment and recovery, and those waiting for God’s healing and peace.
- Those in nursing or homebound care
- For those taking care of us in this COVID-19 environment with courage and perseverance
- That we may remove the dark worldly things in our heart so the Holy Spirit has more room to dwell to help us love our neighbors
- For demonstrating childlike dependence, joy, trust and humility, wonder, and simplicity so others will want to be a part of God’s Kingdom. Mark 10:14
- For our missionaries – that they may feel God’s strengthening presence in everything they do.
- For family members that we’re not able to encourage with our physical presence
- For an opportunity to share God’s love with a stranger
- For those distressed by one storm of life or another
Pray for CCC:
- Pray that we may worship God with hearts full of love. Our Lord and our God, we praise you and kneel down to worship you, the God of holiness! Psalm 99:5 CEV
- For the upcoming “Summer Retreat”. Despite the change in venue, may we be inspired and encouraged through God’s Word.
- That we may strive to balance the church’s purposes – worshiping the living God, instructing and edifying believers, making disciples of all nations, and serving the needy.
- For perseverance for the Nominating Committee to select the best leadership candidates for next year’s Official Board. For brothers and sisters to feel the burden and to be sensitive to God’s calling to serve on the Board.
- For God’s will to be revealed in how we will remain faithful to the task He has for us during the pandemic
- For wisdom in making reopening plans for CCC
To Think About: In Proverbs, God’s guide to living, we are reminded we cannot control the future, but instead we must be humbly ready for whatever God has planned for our day. Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. Proverbs 27:1 ESV
- 感謝主在耶穌基督裏賜我豐富寳藏。
- 感謝主讓我少了路上交通的時間,有多一些的時間讀神的話語。
- 因爲我是天父的孩子,所以天父就帶給我平安。約翰一書3:2
- 感謝主看顧我生命中發生的大事、小事。
- 感謝上帝在炎熱的夏天降下雷雨,帶來酷暑中的清涼。
- 為身體軟弱和接受治療的肢體禱告,特別為準備接受手術、需要長期治療和復健,以及等候神的醫治和平安的人禱告,求主醫治使他們盡快康復。
- 為老人院或居家需要特別看護的長輩們禱告,願聖靈的關愛、平安和喜樂與他們同在。
- 為在新冠病毒中有勇氣又有恆心看顧我們的各行各業人員禱告。
- 讓我們清空隱藏在心中屬世的污穢,使聖靈充滿心裏的每個地方、住在我們心裏幫助我們愛鄰舍。
- 為我們可以有孩童般的依賴、喜樂、信靠、謙遜、渴慕和單純的心禱告,使他人看見我們,就願意成爲神國的子民。馬可福音10:14
- 為我們的宣教士禱告,願他們在事工上經歷神大能的同在。
- 為我們不能面對面相處的家人禱告,求住幫助我們仍然有機會鼓勵他們。
- 求神賜給我們有機會與陌生人分享福音。
- 為人生道路曲折起伏的人禱告,讓他們從失意中願意擡頭仰望耶穌基督裏的永恆、喜樂和盼望。
- 禱告我們的心被愛充滿,讓我們在愛中來敬拜神!你們當尊崇耶和華我們的神,在他腳凳前下拜,他本為聖。詩篇99:5
- 為即將到來的網絡退修會禱告,感謝神藉著網絡的方式賜下他的話語激發和鼓舞我們靈命的成長。
- 讓我們全方位努力奔向著教會的標杆——敬拜永活的神、引導信徒成聖、使萬民作門徒,服侍有需要的人。
- 為董事會提名委員會禱告,更為聖徒們心裡有事奉的負擔禱告,讓明年董事會提出最佳的提名候選人。
- 求神彰顯他的心意,在疾病流行的時候,依然引導我們的事工方向和方法,使我們在福音事工的使命上,依然忠心職守。
- 為美京中華教會重啓計劃滿有智慧禱告。