Announcements: March 29, 2020
- Worship Services and Church Activities Will be Suspended through the end of April. This includes cancellation of usual Easter worship services and activities. Check the church website frequently for updates and when there will be a return to normal schedule – We are keeping in line with guidelines submitted by DC Mayor Muriel Bowser’s office to do our part in stopping the spread of coronavirus.
- Pastors available Our pastors have been staying connected and helping congregation members by phone, email and text. Please reach out if you or a loved one are in need of pastoral care or other assistance. Their phone and email contacts are on the homepage of the website.
- The church office and Chinatown Service Center may still be reached by phone during weekday office hours. Jenny will answer for the church at 202-637-9852 and Michelle will answer the Chinatown Service Center line at 202-898-0061. Our building worker has disinfected our building and will do so again before we open our doors. He and others are checking on our building.
- Offerings and Donations are welcome as church expenses continue. Send checks in the mail, add CCC to your bill pay service from your bank, or send through Pay Pal. Make payable to Chinese Community Church, 500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001.
- Online Prayer Meeting Cantonese group has started an online prayer meeting, Wednesdays at 8:30 pm. Dial 712-770-5603 and enter 287625# when directed. All are welcome.
- Precautionary Measures Due to Coronavirus
- It is suggested that those returning from overseas or long distance travel should stay at home for two weeks to minimize spreading contagions.
- Follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for protecting yourself – wash hands frequently with soap and water, cover coughs and sneezes, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, stay home if you feel ill.
- Consult a doctor if you have a high fever, cough or breathing problems.
- Be aware of anti-Asian/Chinese sentiments from those who have anger or fear related to the virus’ origins. Call 911 if you feel threatened.
- Trust God in this and all situations acting as Jesus would to check on people who may need assistance, not giving into fear, verifying information before passing it on, praying often for His protection and trusting Him for the outcome. Our response in any situation is a testimony of our faith.
- You are advised to stay home, only going out to buy groceries, if necessary. You do not want to bring the virus home to loved ones. Cancellation of worship services are also announced through the website, phone tree, social media, WTOP and WJLA. If you want to be on the email list, please make sure we have you current email by contacting
- Changes in Schedule:
- Chinese Retreat scheduled for April 25 will be rescheduled in the fall.
- Chinatown Service Center Dedication on March 29 is postponed until later in the year.
- Tuesday Worship Congregation is now joining Sunday Mandarin Worship
- 教會決定停止4月份的所有教會活動,包括取消復活節崇拜和相關的活動。請經常查看教會網站注意信息的更新和正常崇拜的恢復時間 。我們會與遵行特區市長辦公室發佈的指導,盡我們的能力阻止疫情擴散。
- 教會的牧師通過電子郵件或電話聯絡的方式滿足您或家人的教牧需求,教會網站提供了教牧同工聯繫方式,敬請查看。
- 教會辦公室和服務中心在周一到週五辦公時間之間可以提供電話服務:Jenny會接聽教會辦公室電話202-898-9852,Michelle會接聽服務中心電話202-898-0061。教堂建築物已經消毒,而且在恢復正常辦公時間時會再次做消毒的工作。教堂建築物管理工作人員和其他同工一直觀察教堂的狀況。
- 您的奉獻:可以以郵寄支票或銀行轉賬,以及通過Pay Pal的方式支持教會目前的開支。奉獻支票擡頭是:Chinese Community Church, 地址是500 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001.
- 在綫禱告會:粵語堂禱告會已經使用在綫禱告的方式,時間是星期三晚上8點30分,撥打電話712-770-5603,然後再鍵入287625#就可加入禱告會。歡迎大家加入!
- 新型冠狀病毒預警預防措施:
- 建議從海外旅行回來的人應在家里呆兩個星期,以最大程度地減少病毒蔓延。
- 請您遵守疾病防疫中心的保護指南:用肥皂和水勤洗手、咳嗽和打噴嚏時請用紙巾或您的衣袖遮蓋、避免用不潔净的手揉眼睛、鼻子,如果生病也不要出外走動。
- 如果您有如發燒、持續咳嗽、呼吸困難,請諮詢醫生。
- 如遭遇與疫情相關的仇視亞裔/華裔的行爲,撥打911。
- 相信上帝掌管萬有,如同耶穌,時刻查看人的需要,並以平安代替驚恐;不傳播不經證實的言論,隨時禱告求上帝的保守,將一切的結果交托給祂。我們在任何情況下的行爲都是為祂做見證。
- 在當前的情況下,除非是有日用品的需要,建議您留在家中,不要把病毒帶回家中。教會崇拜計劃的取消和變更請查看教會網站、電話網絡、社交媒體和WTOP、WJLA。如果您想收到教會的電子郵件,請將您目前適用的電子郵件地址發送到
- 大型教會事工計劃延期:
- 中文退修會(4/25/2020)延期至秋季
- 服務中心新辦公室奉獻禮(3/29/2020)延遲到今年晚些時候举办;
- 星期二中午的國語崇拜合并到星期天的主日國語崇拜。