
欢迎来到华盛顿特区华人社区教会 (CCC),这是一个由耶稣追随者组成的团契,几代人以来一直在该地区及其他地区以言语和行为分享基督的爱。


Flickr: Alsatian

Loving and serving our neighbors well is a cherished value at the church. Our Chinatown Service Center provides counseling and referral for social services especially to new immigrants, seniors, and children. Those who are curious about God or our church are invited to stop in any time to visit or join a fellowship activity.

Reflective of both our roots and our future growth, multiple language venues (English, Mandarin, and Cantonese) are available for worship, fellowship, spiritual growth, and service – all hospitable and caring introductions to building a relationship with God.

We look forward to meeting you!

Our Mission

To Know Christ and to Make Him Known

Our mission is to know God intimately through the living presence of Jesus within us, then to participate joyfully in sharing His grace in word and loving deeds wherever He leads.

Our Values


Christ-centered Worship at the heart of all we are and do


Sharing Christ’s hope and justice in Mission locally and globally


Creating Christ-Disciples who become servant-leaders who, in turn, reproduce new generations of Christ-Disciples


Joyful, committed Community – bridging ages and culture


Serving God and humanity in love according to our callings and gifts